Chapter 17

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Once the lights die down, everyone looks at each other.

"I think it's over." Kit says and everyone looks at each other.

They cheer and Ruby hugs Billy and he spins her around.

Once they've finished celebrating, Ruby sees Steve glancing at her.

"Stevie, can I talk to you for a second?" Ruby asks and Steve nods. They walk a little way away from the group and Billy keeps his eye on them.

"I'm really sorry for Billy." Ruby sighs and Steve nods.

"It's not your fault." Steve says.

"It's not my story to tell, but I will say this so I hope you can understand him a little better."

Steve nods.

"His dad? His dad treats him similarly to how Jason treats me." Ruby says subtly but Steve seems to get it and sighs.

"Ok, I won't tell him that I know but I'll try to be a bit easier on him."

"Thank you." Ruby says and hugs Steve.

While Ruby and Steve are talking, Billy watches them until he notices that all of the younger kids are staring at him.

"Um." He says and they give him a hard look.

"Are you going to hurt Ruby?" Dustin asks and Billy looks taken aback.

"What? No, of course not." Billy says.

"Look, Ruby is like a big sister to all of us. She used to make us costumes for our campaigns, let us watch scary movies, took us to the cinema and gave us money for the arcade." Mike says.

"She also used to make us food and played games with us." Lucas says. "Ruby's the best person ever and if you hurt her, we will hurt you."

Kit, Mike and Dustin nod at Lucas' words but Billy is surprised when Max nods too.

"You too, Max?"

"Yep. She wants to take me out for a milkshake so she can get to know me." Max smiles a little. "No one's ever done anything like that for me before."

Billy nods.

"I promise I won't hurt her." Billy says and then hesitates. "What else do you know about her?"

The boys start telling him the most random facts, like how when she's nervous, she'll pick her thumbs until they bleed or when she's cooking, she'll hum without realising it.

"She's never been to a school dance before." Max inputs and Billy frowns.

"How do you know that?" Kit asks.

"We were talking about the Snow Ball and I asked her what her's was like. She said she never went because she was working."

Billy nods but then Steve and Ruby rejoin their group.

"We should probably get going." Ruby sighs. "Oh, but I'm driving." She takes the keys off of Max and blows a cheeky kiss to Billy.

They all squash themselves back into the car and Ruby drives them back to the Byers.

A month later and Ruby is rushing around the house to find her polaroid.

The past month has been hard, getting back to normal and acting like nothing happened but it's been nice to spend time with everyone while not worrying about an oncoming doomsday.

With everything back to normal, Ruby has been able to get back to working all of her shifts but every few days small envelopes with money in it will show up. Ruby's not too sure who it's from so she can't return it but she's grateful for the help/

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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