Chapter 5

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The next morning, Ruby wakes up to feel her warm pillow rising up and down and a weight across her waist and when she looks, she sees Billy's tanned arms wrapped around her and his chin resting on top of her head.

She blushes madly and then groans at the pain that comes back in a wave.

Ruby tries to slip out of his grasp without waking him but Billy just pulls her in closer.

Ruby sighs and leans over him to see that it's ten o'clock.

"Billy, Billy get up." She says, shaking him hurriedly. "We're late for school."

Billy moans as he wakes up but smirks when he sees Ruby throw a leg over his waist so she can climb over him.

Before she can climb off, Billy grabs her hips and holds her in place.

"I could get used to waking up like this." He says huskily and his morning voice makes her shiver.

Just as she's about to reply with a clever retort, she feels something poking under her from where she's sitting on Billy.

"Billy!" She exclaims and her face turns a darker red than he's ever seen it, making him laugh loudly.

"It's involuntary. I thought you did AP Bio. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't take it as a compliment."

Ruby blushes again and pulls his hands off before running out of her room.

She walks into the kitchen and starts to cook some breakfast, feeling hungry after throwing up everything she ate last night.

Billy walks into the kitchen and leans against the doorway, watching Ruby cook in just his shirt.

At the sight of this, something inside of his chest turns and he realises that he's smiling, but smiling properly, not one of his trademark smirks.

"Shit, we're gonna be so late." She mumbles.

"Why don't we just not go in today?"


"Yeah, have you never done that?"

"No." Ruby replies, plating the food she's made and walks past him to put it on the table.

"Why not?"

"I want to be a doctor, I can't really do that if I skip school all the time."

"A doctor?" Billy asks, impressed and Ruby nods.

"Come on, sit down and eat before it gets cold."

Billy nods and takes a seat.

"What do you want to do?" Ruby asks and Billy smiles.

"Move back to Cali and start a surf school or something."

"That sounds really nice." Ruby grins. "Would you teach me how to surf? I've always wanted to learn."

"Sure." Billy nods.

Once Ruby's finished, she presses play on her answering machine and listens to the messages as she clears up.

"Hey, Rubes, it's Jonathan. Billy told me that you were hurt last night and asked me to look after Kit. Since you haven't called back yet, he's gonna stay over at our place for the night. Let me know that you're ok, I'll see you tomorrow." The machine beeps as the message ends and Ruby glances at Billy, still eating at her table.

It makes her feel warm inside to know that Billy did what she asked and got someone to take care of her brother.

She leaves a message saying that everything's fine and she'll see him later. She also says that she'll pick Kit up from his place after school.

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