Chapter 14

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Before anyone can reply, they all hear an engine revving.

Max and Ruby run over to the window and look out.

"It's my brother." Max says and Ruby's heart jolts. "He-he can't know I'm here. He'll kill me. He'll kill us." She says, looking at Lucas, who comes over next to her.

"It'll be fine, Max." Ruby says but deep down, she's nervous. "Just stay away from the windows."

Ruby looks at Steve in desperation and he sighs.

Steve walks towards the door and opens it.

"Steve, what are you doing?" Ruby asks, grabbing his arm.

"Come on, he can't know that you or the kids are here."

Ruby frowns, hating it but nods.

Steve walks out and Billy's car parks and he gets out.

"Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?" Billy asks and Ruby pulls the kids away from the window.

"You can't give him any more ammunition." Ruby whispers.

"Why do you like this guy?" Dustin asks.

"You might not believe it, but he's sweet to me." Ruby blushes. "He just has a hard time showing good emotions."

"For what it's worth, he seems to really like you." Max replies and Ruby blushes.

"Really?" She asks and Max nods.

"Mike!" Ruby pulls the boy away from the window but fails to notice that Max, Lucas, Kit and Dustin have wandered over to the other window.

"Shit, did he see us?" Dustin asks and Ruby's head snaps to look at them.

"Come on, guys." She says and pulls them away from the window.

Ruby runs into the kitchen to try and look out that window to see Steve but she hears the door bang open.

"Well, well, well. Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise. I thought I told you to stay away from him, Max." Billy threatens and Ruby's heart jumps.

"Billy, go away." Max says

"You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me." Billy smiles and Ruby debates going in to try and stop it, knowing it could make things worse.

"Billy..." Max says warningly.

"I break things." He says and Ruby hears a commotion and yelling.

"Billy!" Ruby runs in and Billy looks up at her.

"Ruby?" Billy asks, stopping for a second. "You're here, with him. And them?" Billy asks, looking hurt.

"I can explain but you can't be here. It's dangerous." Ruby says, putting her hands on his chest and trying to push him out the door.

Ruby stops for a second when she sees a red mark of the side of Billy's face.

"Did he... he did it again, didn't he?" She asks, gently trailing her fingers over his cheek. Billy jerks his face away, his jaw clenched.

"I'm gonna kill him." Ruby growls but Billy grabs her arm.

"You don't get to care anymore. I find you here with Harrington after you cancelled our night. We're done." Billy growls into her ear and throws her to the side before pouncing on Lucas again.

Ruby hits the floor hard and groans, tears pricking her eyes at his words and the pain from her already damaged ribs. Kit falls to his knees by his sister.

"I'm ok." She rasps. "Get Steve." She says and Kit hesitates but nods and runs outside.

Kit helps Steve up and the two of them walk in. Steve grabs Billy and spins him around.

"No. You are." Steve says and punches Billy in the face, making him groan and then laugh.

Steve and Billy crash around the cabin, fighting hard against each other and Ruby tries to recover enough that she can separate them.

The kids are yelling as the two older teens fight, and Ruby is struggling not to pass out.

"Murder the son of a bitch!" Dustin yells and Ruby smack his leg.

She's still struggling to breath, a panic attack taking over.

"Stop." Ruby's voice comes out scratchy as she tries to breathe through the overwhelming fear. No one hears her and she tries to pull herself up, using the wall as a crutch.

They keep fighting and Steve seems to be doing well until Billy is able to overpower him and he gets on top of Steve and starts beating him to a pulp.

Everyone is yelling at him and Ruby is crying as the panic attack is starting to take over her, Max notices the stuff Joyce used to sedate Will is sitting to the side, she grabs it and comes up behind Billy who is still beating Steve. She injects Billy who immediately stops and stands up, he pulls the syringe from his neck.

"The hell is this?" Billy asks, his eyes flicker quickly to Ruby finally standing up, shakily and manages to calm her breath down by concentrating on Billy. "You little shit, what did you do? What did you do?"

He starts walking towards them threateningly but then he falls to the ground and laughs.

Max picks up Steve's bat and holds it, ready to swing at Billy.

"From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?" She asks and Billy looks at her amused.

"Max..." Ruby mumbles and Max gives her a small, sad smile.

"Screw you." Billy says and then points to Ruby. "And screw you."

Max brings the bat down right between his legs, every boy in the room cringes at how close that was.

"Say you understand! Say it! Say it!" Max yells.

"I understand." Billy mutters.

"What?" Max asks.

"I understand." He says and he passes out.

Max drops the bat and it clatters to the floor. She takes Billy's keys and looks at the others.

"Let's get out of here." She says.

Dustin, Mike and Lucas lift Steve up and Ruby walks over to Billy.

"I can't leave him." She says.

"Rubes..." Mike says.

"I know, he has no idea what's going on and he could get us or himself hurt but I can't just leave him."

The kids sigh.

"And at least if he comes, he'll know I'm not crazy when he asks me what this was all about." Ruby says, tears welling up again and she groans. She hates crying, especially in front of her brother.

"Fine, let's get him in the car." Mike says and they help her lift him up.

"I'm driving." Ruby says, one of Billy's arms around her shoulders.

"Nope, we need you in the back with him in case he wakes up and goes batshit crazy again." Kit says and the others agree.

"Alright, then who is?" Ruby asks and Max volunteers. Ruby looks sceptical until Max says she's driven before but the momentary faith she has disappears in an instant when Max says it was once in a parking lot.

"First, can someone grab the kit?" Ruby asks.

Dustin pushes Kit forward as Mike runs off to get the first aid kit in the bathroom.

Kit slaps Dustin's arm and Ruby looks at the young teen.

"Ok, Dustin, that was funny but not the time. Do that joke again but after this is all over."

Dustin nods but Kit just looks at his sister incredulously.

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