Chapter 4

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A few hours later, Ruby is dropping Kit off with his friends.

"Have fun and stay with Jonathan. If anything happens, call the garage. That's where my shifts are tonight."

Kit nods and promises before running up to his friends.

"Don't forget you owe us cookies." Dustin yells and Ruby nods.

"I know, don't worry about it." She shouts back and drives back to her house. She has around forty minutes before she has to leave.

She bakes cookies and puts them in a large tupperware box for tomorrow, the lid off to let them cool down.

Ruby jumps violently when the front door bangs open and Jason charges into the house.

"Give me money!" He roars, and throws himself at Ruby.

Ruby tries to get away but Jason grabs her arm and throws her to the floor and he kicks her and keeps kicking her until he seems to wear himself out a bit. Then he jumps on her and throws punch after punch to her body and a few to her face.

Finally the attack stops as Jason passes out against the side cupboard and Ruby coughs as she drags herself from under his heavy body.

Feeling woozy and in pain, Ruby leaves a message at the garage that she can't come in and then she remembers her brother. Jonathan will be in and she doesn't want to get Joyce involved.

Ruby drags herself into the car and drives to the party, determined to find Nancy or Steve.

"Nice makeup." A few people comment as she pushes her way through the crowd.

"Steve, Nancy." She mumbles before she crashes into a hard, sticky body.

"Wow, I thought you weren't coming?" Billy smirks at her. "Costume's a little much though."

"I need to find Steve." She mumbles, tears pouring from her eyes and Billy stops and takes a closer look at her costume.

"Steve, Nancy. I need to find them." She mumbles before she collapses into his arms.

"Woah." Billy says, alarmed. He picks her up and her light weight both surprises and worries him.

Carrying her upstairs, Billy finds a bedroom and places her on the bed. He walks into the ensuite and wets a towel before gently removing the blood covering Ruby's face.

He sees some blood seeping through her shirt and lifts it to find that her ribs are practically black with bruises and cuts.

"Fuck!" He yells and smacks a lamp off of the dresser.

Ruby whimpers and Billy stops.

"Shit, I'm sorry."

"Steve. Nancy. Look after Kit." Ruby mumbles and Billy nods.

"Stay here." He says and then realises that she probably can't move.

He locks the door behind him and walks downstairs to find one of Ruby's friends.

Billy catches sight of Jonathan talking to Nancy, who seems wasted.

"You!" He yells and points at Jonathan. Jonathan's head snaps up and he looks around, thinking Billy is talking to someone else.

"You, you're friends with Ruby Madden, right?"

Jonathan frowns but nods.

"Can you look after her brother tonight?"

"Why? What happened? Is Ruby ok?" Jonathan asks, supporting Nancy on his shoulder. He's surprised at how normal Billy seems.

"She collapsed on me, beaten up, a few minutes ago." Billy says, he knows that this could wreck his reputation but right now he doesn't care.

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