Chapter 3

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It's finally Wednesday night and Ruby is helping her brother put on his costume before she drops him off at school.

"Ruby! The patch is coming off!" Kit calls and Ruby grabs a needle and some thread.

"Ok, stay still or you're going to go to school looking like a voodoo doll."

Kit laughs but stays as he can while Ruby quickly sews the patch back on.

Before she lets him leave, Ruby takes dozens of photos of him on her new polaroid, it was a birthday gift from Steve for her last birthday though she has a feeling Jonathan helped him pick it out, it was a birthday gift from Steve for her last birthday though she has a feeling Jonathan helped him pick it out.

They jump in the car and arrive at school on time. Kit jumps out and waves to her as he joins his friends and they all wave hello to Ruby.

Ruby jumps out quickly, grabbing her polaroid.

"One photo." She begs and the kids groan.

"Please?" She begs. "I'll bake cookies and Kit will bring them in."

After that, they readily agree and Ruby is even able to take two extra.

"Have fun kiddos."

Ruby drives off and parks in the high school parking lot and gets out. She looks at the pictures and giggles.

Grabbing her stuff, she walks into the high school, still laughing at how adorable the five of them look.

Suddenly, she bumps into a hard body and nearly falls but an arm reaches out and catches her.

"Thanks." She says before she looks up and sees Billy. "Oh, hi."

"Hi." He says softly but then seems to realise where they are and he pulls her into a spare classroom.

"Look, I'm sorry for how I acted on Friday. It was rude and I shouldn't have done it." Ruby apologises and Billy gives her a small smile.

"Actually I was going to apologize for how I've been acting."

Ruby smiles and looks at him expectantly.

"Well, go on then."

"Go on what?" He asks.

"You said you were going to apologize. Go right ahead."

"Ah, but you said it was you being rude."

"Fine, if you're not going to apologise." Ruby makes her way to the door but a hand catches her wrists and she whimpers.

Billy lets go immediately but holds onto her hand and pushes her sleeves up to show the bruises, now gone a horrible yellow colour.

"It might not seem like it but you can... you know, if you need to..." Billy struggles to get the words out but Ruby understands.

"Thank you, but it's my problem and I'm handling it." She squeezes his hand and lets go, ignoring the tingles spreading up her arm and walks out.

Billy sighs but clears his throat and seems to become the bad boy again.

He walks out with a huge smirk on his face and people immediately notice him.

At lunch, Ruby is on her way to the library to study with Steve and Nancy when Carol pushes her into a locker.

Ruby groans at the pain in her ribs but looks at Carol with contempt. She's surrounded by a few other girls, all glaring at Ruby.

"What's your problem?" Ruby spits and Carol scoffs.

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