[Chapter 2]: The Near Death Experience

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        Chapter 2 

           Double Update!!!

        Harry and Niall made their way out the door and down the concrete pathway that would lead them to their destination. As the boys walked they started to walk pass the school’s football field.  On the field they were starting to pass by a few lads passing the ball around, in attempts to shoot a goal.  Harry stopped as his eyes made connections to a very attractive lad who had the ball. The boy’s face shows that he was trying to concentrate on his footwork.  

  “Who is that?”  Harry asks pointing to the attractive lad. The lad had golden brown hair that was kind of flowing in the wind. The boy had obvious muscles that you couldn’t miss, even if you tried, not that you would want to.  He had soft brown eyes that resembled those of a puppy’s. It was sure that his eyes could make you melt just with him giving a single glance. 

Niall looked towards where Harry was pointing, and smacked his hand. “Don’t point! But anyway, that is Liam Payne, captain of the school’s footy team, leader of the school’s choir club, and straight “A” student.”  Niall sighed and batted his eyes at the athletic boy. “He’s gorgeous ain’t he?” Niall said with his extremely attractive Irish accent.

     Niall was right, Liam was gorgeous, it seems like most of the guys he had laid eyes on at this school were attractive.  One way to describe Liam, is that he looks like a younger version of David Beckam.  

    “Come on Ni, I need to know where the music department is for fourth block!” Harry said pulling Niall by his arm, basically dragging the poor Irishman. 

   Niall pulled his arm out of Harry’s grasp, tingles shot up and down his arm like a rocket. Niall ignored them and proceeded to try and stop Harry from going any further, which I tell you is like trying to keep a kid from a shiny object. 

   “Harry, slow down! You don’t even know where you are going!” 

 Harry stopped and smiled at Niall. “Then come on slow poke.” He said and continued to take a few steps forward. Unfortunately he didn’t see the black and white football heading towards his head. 

“Hey! Watch out!” He heard a nice British voice say, but it was too late. Harry turned around and landed on the ground on impact.  He was knocked out.

      “Harry!” Niall screamed running towards him. Right behind his is team captain Liam Payne.

     Liam kneels down in front of Harry. He takes in Harry’s beauty.  Never has he seen this boy before, he must be new Liam thinks. Obviously he is new because such beauty could never be forgotten by Liam. 

“Shit!” He swore when realization hit him that beautiful boy in front of him was unconscious. “Hey Niall, can you do me a favor?”

    Niall froze, never in his life did he believe that THE Liam Payne knew his name. This was the first time that Liam has ever acknowledged his presence.

“You kno…Know my name?” Niall asked surprised. Liam smiled at the cute, shy little Irish boy.  

“Of course I know your name silly, we have AP chemistry together.” Liam said Niall may be nerdy but Liam is not the kind of person to not know the people in his year.  Truthfully it’s hard to forget Niall. His nerdy little kid persona is truly adorable. Liam couldn’t help but think that the little Irishman was a work of art, and he wouldn’t admit that he has a little crush on him as well.

“Oh…What did you need me to do?”  Niall asked a little too eager, remembering the real reason that he is talking to Liam in the first place. 

      “Hand me that blue towel over there on the bench please.” Liam told Niall. Niall walked over to the bench, gladly to help the older lad. 

    “Hey mate, wake up buddy.” Liam said, slightly smacking Harry slightly on the cheek. A groan came from the youngest boy, as his eyes fluttered open.

“Ugh! What happened?” Harry asked looking into the eyes of Liam Payne. 

  Liam moved the hair out of Harry’s face, Liam couldn’t help but be mesmerized by Harry’s eyes of emerald.

        “Um, I kind of kicked the ball too hard and it hit you, knocking you unconscious, honestly I would go to the nurse, you could have a concussion.” Liam said in a caring tone. 

    Harry chuckled stating that he was fine. 

 “I am truly sorry for that horrible near death experience.” Liam said blushing slightly.

  “It’s fine,” Harry said. “It’s one near death experience I don’t think I could ever be more grateful for.” Harry said, smiling as his eyes sparkled up at the larger cute boy in front of him. All Harry could think, was thank God for football.

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