[Chapter 4] Wanna Party?

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      The eventful school day seemed to quickly come to an end. Much to Harry's dismay. The curly-haired boy made his way to his truck, throwing his backpack into the back before hopping in and starting up the engine. The tall boy pulled out of the student parking lot, trying his best to avoid hitting other students as they made their way to their vehicles. On his way out he couldn't help but glance around him as he sat in the line of cars waiting to exit the school grounds. His eyes darted around the parking lot, somehow landing on three out of the four attractive lads he had met that day. 

 Standing at his rather expensive black Mercedes G Wagon with the blood-red interior, was Liam.  He was standing around with a group of guys that were on the football team, laughing the day away. The crinkles by his eyes as he laughed caused Harry to smile softly to himself. His green eyes darted over to Zayn, who had just hopped onto his jet-black motorcycle. He nodded at a few girls who sat at their car giggling at the raven-haired boy. His light gesture causing the girls to squeal in hysterics. Harry couldn't blame them, to be honest. His eyes then became fixated on his rearview mirror. Sat in the driver's seat of the car directly behind him was Louis. The brown-haired lad sat with his right arm out of the window, and his left hand rested on his steering wheel. His fingers tapping the wheel to what Harry assumed to be the beat of the music playing in his car.  The blue-eyed boy noticed Harry staring and sent him a cheeky wink along with a mischievous smirk. That small interaction brought Harry back to the real world. His cheeks tinting a light pink as he turned his focus back to the line just in time to start moving before cars started to honk.   

Harry finally pulled off of school grounds, turning in the direction of his new home. He rolled down the window of his truck, allowing the autumn breeze to flow through his chocolate curls. He took a deep breath and took in his surroundings, trying to get familiar with the route home. His eyes fell upon a familiar blonde-haired lad walking along the concrete sidewalk. Seeing the lad caused him to smile. He pulled his silver truck over to the side startling the slightly older lad. 

"Niall! Get in you little shit, it's chilly!" 

Niall nearly shat his pants until he realized that it was just the cute, new, curly-haired, new boy that he befriended today. 

"Shit Harry! I nearly shat myself you tosser!" Niall said with a slight chuckle before running around and hopping into the passenger seat of the tall bloke's truck. "Thanks, you really don't have to give me a ride, I'm honestly used to walking."  The Irish lad stated, placing on his seatbelt.  

"As if I'd let you walk. Besides, if you didn't want a ride, why are you putting on the lap belt?" Harry joked causing the blonde-haired boy to push him playfully.  "Thank you Harold for the ride." He laughed as Harry pulled off. "I live on the corner of Winchester Avenue." He told the brown-haired boy which caused Harry to grin. "Well, I guess you don't have to find a way to and from school, cause I live down that road too." This news caused Niall to cheer. It wasn't just because he would have a ride to school every day, but because the hunk of eye candy known as Harry Styles would be right down the road for him to visit.  Maybe life would be less lonely due to having him living so close. 

"Some hot guy named Zayn invited me to a party, so, I'm inviting you too, wanna party?" Harry told Niall glancing over at the boy before turning back to the road.  Niall shook his head and scoffed. turning to face the taller boy. "Are you fucking mad? Me? Partying? You have to be buzzing if you think that I'd be the type to party. How in the hell were you able to get invited to a party by Zayn Malik? He barely talks to anyone, and when he does it's an insult or he turns aggressive." Niall explained watching as Harry turned onto their street. Niall then pointed to the rather large house on the corner. It wasn't a mansion by any means, but it was obviously very spacious. 

"He was aggressive at first, but that was because I kind of ran into him," Harry explained as he drove past his house and to Niall's parking his truck in the empty driveway. Niall slammed his hand against Harry's chest dramatically to stop his explanation. "And you actually lived to tell the tale. bloody bonkers mate."

"He wasn't that bad, and he kinda flirted with me, do you think he's into guys?" Harry asked raising his eyebrow. Niall shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure, it's hard to tell cause he never really communicates with anyone. Maybe he's bisexual? Anyway thanks for the ride Haz, My sister is supposed to have some friends over, and I want to be set up in my room so that way I don't have to communicate with any of them." Niall laughed grabbing his bag opening the passenger door.  

"I understand completely, I hated when my sister's friends use to come over when she lived at home, they would try to give me makeovers."  Harry chuckled before grabbing Niall's arm keeping him from leaving the car. "Are you sure you don't wanna come to the party with me?" He asked sending the blonde his best puppy dog face. 

"As cute as that face is, no thank you. Later Pup!" Niall laughed hopping out of the truck and waving at Harry as he walked up to his front door. Harry laughed waving before pulling out of Niall's driveway and to his house just seven houses down. Harry only had two things on his mind.

"Why is my new best friend so hot? And what do you wear to a party?"

A/n: Hey guys! New Cover, New Chapter Name, Rewritten Chapter, It must be a good day! Thanks again to everyone for giving this story and all of my other ones' support! This was more so a filler chapter and the next chapter is the party!! Hope you guys have a great Morning or Night wherever you are in the world and catch ya in the next chapter! -TheSupaFlyTeam 

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