[Chapter 6]: It's A Party

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[Harry's POV]

As my feet followed the beat of the music, I spotted multiple cars with other rowdy teenagers, along with others walking up to a familiar house. It was Niall's place. "What the fuck?" I thought as I made my way up the driveway and into the already opened door. Upon entering I was hit instantly with the strong smell of booze and other illegal substances. The music was loud, shaking the walls the deeper I ventured into the house. It was dark but the hanging strobe lights illuminated my path as I searched for anybody I could have been acquainted with. The place was crowded. It was as if the whole school was packed into one house. Due to the high capacity, I was constantly bumping into people, "excuse me" rolling out of my mouth as if on a loop. I soon found myself being pushed back a few steps.

"Watch where the fuck you're going faggot." A Guy said trying to wipe the beer off of his shirt. My eyes widened in fear as the guy came charging at me angrily. "Curse my clumsy ass." I thought to myself as the guy grabbed me by my shirt yanking me up. "I...I'm sorry mate, I didn't mean to knock into you like that." I tried to explain, but I could smell the booze on his breath and I knew for a fact that he was plastered enough to not give a shit about my apologies. "Like hell you are! Tell me why I shouldn't knock ya teeth out mate and make a fool of your ass?" He shouted causing me to wince. Conveniently another person came up behind the guy grabbing his shoulder harshly. 

"Because, if you try to put your hands on him, I'll knock the piss out cha," Zayn said glaring at the bigger guy holding me. He took the cigarette butt that he had out of his mouth before flicking it at the guy's face. "Let him go, George." He snapped causing the dude to drop me to the floor. "This ain't over." The guy said kicking me on the way past. Zayn grabbed my hand helping me up from the ground below. When I was back on my feet, I began dusting myself off. "Thanks, Zayn that bloke is straight mental." Zayn nodded shrugging. "It was nothing, Max just gotta get knocked down a few pegs sometimes," Zayn explained wrapping his arm around my shoulder before leading me in the direction he came from. We soon entered a dark room, which had glow-in-the-dark paint splattered across the walls. The words "The Smoke Room." hung from the ceiling like a banner. I was shocked to see the familiar faces of all of the guys I had the pleasure of meeting today in one room, along with other people of course.

"Welcome to The Smoke Room Curly. " Zayn said gesturing to the room full of people smoking. From joints to bongs, it was a smoker's paradise. "Wow," I said in complete shock. I looked over at Niall who seemed to be being peer pressured to smoke by a girl who looked quite similar to him. "Natasha stop, I don't even want to be here right now let alone smoke from your pipe." Niall groaned causing Zayn to chuckle. "Come on Horan, don't be a pussy. Especially not in front of the new boy." He said to the Irish lad.  

"Harry!" Niall said jumping up and running to me. Zayn moved over slightly as Niall gave me a big hug. "Nice to know you've already been acquainted, as, for the rest of you, this is Harry Styles, the new kid," Zayn said before sitting next to Natasha, grabbing the sparkle covered bong out of her hands and taking a hit of whatever substance was in it. "Ni, you didn't tell me that you through parties, is this why you kept telling me no to going?" I asked him. The blonde-haired lad shook his head. "Nope, this is all my sister's doing. Straight mental she is. I can't believe we shared the same womb for nine whole months, just for her to come out the way she is." Niall said before the brunette girl came up to us wrapping her arm around her brother's shoulder. "He's just a sad wee lad because I'm the better Horan twin. It's a pleasure to meet you Curly." She said before walking over to where Louis was sitting with his friend Eleanor.

 "Tell me why, you never mentioned to me before that you had a twin, that and that all of the hottest guys in school would be sitting among us," I asked him causing the Irish lad to roll his eyes. "Trust me, if I had known, I would have told you." He laughed. "Hey Nialler, come over here a second," Liam called motioning the Irish boy over to him. "Lucky" I mouthed to him before shooing him away. Niall blushed before nervously making his way over to the fit football star. Before I could even eavesdrop on Liam and Niall's conversation, I was dragged away out of the room and into a closet. Before I could even say a word A soft pair of lips found their way to mine. I couldn't even think straight. The only thought that was running through my head was,

"Holy Shit."

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