Chapter 13: Weird One

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Fuchsia City

Arriving in Fuchsia City, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a tinge of frustration. It seemed like the gyms in the Kanto region had a tendency to be closed when he arrived, and Fuchsia City's gym was no exception. The "CLOSED" sign on the gym's door confirmed his suspicions.

(Y/N) muttered to himself as he stood before the closed gym door, his hopes of a gym battle temporarily dashed.

Frustrated, he left the gym and decided to check into the local Pokémon Center to get some rest. The journey had been tiring, and he figured he could use a good night's sleep.

The Next Day

(Y/N) awoke in his  room, the morning sun casting a warm glow through the window. As he lay there, he contemplated his situation.

(Y/N): Another gym closed... It's becoming a trend. 

He had come to realize that the Kanto region's gym leaders had unpredictable schedules. With a sigh, he considered his options for the day.

(Y/N): Maybe I should explore the city, see what else Fuchsia City has to offer.

After getting dressed and making sure his Pokémon were in good shape, (Y/N) set out to explore Fuchsia City. He wandered through the bustling streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the city.

The city had a vibrant atmosphere, with trainers and Pokémon enthusiasts going about their day. (Y/N) decided to visit the local market, where he picked up some supplies and treats for his team.

Later in the day, he found himself strolling through the beautiful Safari Zone again, an area known for its diverse range of Pokémons. He hoped to find new and interesting additions to his team this time.

As he walked through the tall grass, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel the anticipation building.

(Y/N): An Eevee would be an incredible addition to the team. Let's see if we can find one.

Days passed as (Y/N) scoured the Safari Zone, searching for the elusive Eevee. He faced numerous wild Pokémon, learned about their behaviors, and sharpened his skills as a trainer.

And one sunny morning, as (Y/N) watched the sunrise from a high branch, a small brown Eevee finally appeared. It leaped onto his lap, and their eyes met.

(Y/N) exclaimed softly, his heart filled with excitement and relief.

Eevee looked up at him, its bright eyes filled with curiosity.

(Y/N): Well, you're quite weird. Normally, I'll have to fight you.

Eevee just continued to stare at (Y/N) and suddenly lied down peacefully on his lap.

It was basically caught. The small brown Pokémon was now a part of the team.

And after the long and tiring search, they all deserved some well-earned rest. (Y/N) lay down under the shade of a tree, and one by one, his Pokémon joined him.

As the warm sun and gentle breeze enveloped them, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile. They had faced challenges, found new friends, and were one step closer to their goal.

With all his Pokémons nestled beside him, he closed his eyes, ready to embrace the adventures that lay ahead.

A Fateful Goal (Pokémon Special x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now