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Brooke walked out of the house and down the street and smiled as she saw toms car and smiled as she got in and looked to him

"thanks for coming, how are you, how are you both" he asked as she placed a hand on her bump and smiled as she looked to him

"were okay. Your risking it coming here. Sierra could see you" Brooke said as Tom looked to her and smiled

"she went out with max I have been waiting. I wanted to see you, look I know how we are and I know how we started and I know it's messy but I love you Brooke and I love our baby and I want us to find a way to be together. I will do anything so that we can be together but you and I know it can't happen here Sierra and your mum aren't going to let that happen Brooke" Tom said as Brooke looked to him and sighed

"I know that Tom but what do you suggest that we do Tom, run away as if we did we could never come back and yeah I am pregnant but I do want to make something and that would mean leaving school" Brooke said as Tom sighed

"I don't know but it wouldn't be the worst idea" he said as she looked to him and sighed
Brooke sat in the common room as she got to school as Sierra walked in, Brooke looked to her sister and smiled

"I thought we could talk" Sierra said as Brooke looked to her and frowned

"why" Brooke asked as Sierra looked to her and smiled

"because you are my sister and I am worried over you. Look I know it's been hard but you are pregnant and young but you are not alone" Sierra said as Brooke looked to her and smiled

"I know it's a bit Tom Sierra, look I know what we got involved in but you need to remember you got me to do this and I am pregnant and I don't know what you are doing with your baby but this is my baby and yeah it's complicated but I am not going to cut him out of his baby's life, it's not fair. Look do what you want but this is my baby so it's my decision and I know you hate him but your having his baby and you remember you have moved on with max Tyler and you need to let it go" Brooke said

"he took advantage" "

no you got me to offer myself to him for payback. It's been months Sierra and you have to let it go. Look I have class" Brooke said as she stood and walked off

Brooke sat in the car with Tom as they stood driving "you know it's going to be okay, I mean it's my baby and I know you won't cut me out" Tom said as they held a look. They drove down the road as Brooke rested her hand on her bump and smiled

"I wouldn't..it's your baby too and we just have to find a way to do this" Brooke said as he placed a hand on top of hers and smiled

"Tom look out" Brooke said as she saw a lorry heading for them and he swerved off of the road only for them to go crashing.

But would Brooke and Tom be oaky and would their baby be okay?

Seducing him (Waterloo road)Where stories live. Discover now