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Brooke was humiliated. She was humiliated over how her mum was acting and how she had tried to get to sacked for what happened. Brooke now knew that the whole school knew over her and she couldn't show her head.

She knew that the whole school knew over her and Tom and how she was pregnant and she felt so alone and scared. Brooke had refused to go to school, she knew that their was an investigation and Tom had been suspended but she hated it. She hated how Tom was being treated.

He was a good guy and he didn't deserve it. Brooke knew that they made a mistake and she knew it was all her fault for agreeing to help Sierra.

She loved her sister but she knew that right now that she couldn't even look at her sister. Brooke walked through the house and sighed as she saw Sierra who looked to her and smiled

"hey, can we talk?" Sierra asked

"no, the last time we talked you wanted to make your ex pay and I agreed as your my sister and I love you and how everything is a mess and the whole school knows and thinks I'm a tramp, I can't even look at you never mind talk to you" Brooke said as she walked off

Brooke found herself outside of toms. He answered the door and looked to her and frowned "you shouldn't be here Brooke" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"I know that, I do but I needed to see you it's all my fault you could loose everything because of me, because I agreed to help Sierra" Brooke said as Tom looked to her and frowned

"what do you mean?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed. She realised that she had just dropped herself in it

"come in, it's raining and your pregnant and we can talk" Tom said as Brooke nodded. Brooke was lead into the house. She walked into the kitchen with him as he made her a drink and smiled

"I didn't mean for this to happen Tom, Sierra wanted this. She wanted me to seduce you and ruin you as you broke her heart and I'm sorry, I only did it as she was so hurt. Now it's all ruined" Brooke said. Tom looked to her and smiled

"I know why you did it, I'm sorry. It's my fault I cheated"

"it doesn't mean you should loose everything, I never meant for this, I never meant to fall in love with you" Brooke said as Tom looked to her and smiled

"neither did I" he said


Brooke sighed as she sat in the sitting room with Tom as she looked to her phone and sighed "I don't want to go home" she said as he smiled

"I know but you have to, I'm not meant to be near you and I don't know how but we will work it out so we can be together, you me and the baby I promise" Tom said as Brooke looked to him and smiled.

He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her "it's all going to be okay, I promise" Tom said as Brooke smiled.

Brooke stood up and walked off. She walked out of the house and sighed. Brooke knew that she had to go home but she knew that she didn't want to.

She wasn't ready to go home and it scared her as she felt so alone but Brooke knew that no matter what that she was going to find a way to be with Tom no matter what it took

Seducing him (Waterloo road)Where stories live. Discover now