Hanzo's Family

428 5 28

Requested by Yuki_Ai

Sorry for long wait again, this chapter was supposed to be released the day before my borthday (Oct./28), but I guess I forgot- so I present... the chapter ya'll waited for!

The story/chapter takes place where Hanzo's/Scorpion's family wasn't murdered.



The flutterings and flappings of their wings, along with their nonstop tweetings, chirps, and song whistles could be heard from the open window that belonged to Hanzo's and Harumi's bedroom.

The sun shining it's bright beams of light into the couple's space, indicating it's early sunrise.

Opening his eyes, Hanzo groaned and mumbled himself awake. Turning to his side, his gaze met with his loving wife's straight and long, black hair. The woman herself sleeping peacefully beside him.

Stuck in a trance, he stared at her sleeping form, he couldn't have been any more happier.

Awoken from his lovestruck trance, he smiled as his still wife began moving, her yawns and stretches making him realize she was awake too.

Turning to face him, she smiled that smile he loved so much. "Good Morning." he greeted her softly. Chuckling, she greeted him back, "Good Morning.." Her voice calm and soft, yet with a lingering hint of tired wakeness.

Opening his mouth to speak, he was interrupted by their door sliding open and the footsteps of their son Satoshi running and jumping onto their bed.

Landing on the plush mattress with a thump, he greeted out to his parents, "Morning!" He chuckled, his eyes bright as day, his smile white as could be, and a gap where a tooth was missing.

Laughing at their sons playful and outgoing demeanor, they sat up, "Good Morning Satoshi." They replied.

Harumi getting up just before Hanzo did, as she went to do her daily morning routine. Getting dressed from her nightwear into her day clothing.

Hanzo doing the same after her, having a short conversation with Satoshi about what they were going to do that day.

**slight time skip**

After breakfast, Harumi set off to do her own thing in their shared home, while Hanzo and Satoshi went outside to venture off into the woods.

"Ready Satoshi?" Hanzo asked his son, "Ready papa!" he replied, now changed from his pajamas into a white shirt with brown colored ninja garments over it.

His mid-long brown hair tied in a ponytail similar to his fathers, and a white headband under his bangs. Following after Hanzo.

Walking through piles of leaves, Hanzo lead Satoshi to an area away from the dirt path, where he encountered a scorpion fighting an army of ants.

Through this, he began teaching his son the meaning of will power, strength, defense and to know when to retreat; but never surrender.

Walking back the same way they came from, returning home, Harumi had already prepared them dinner. "Back so soon?" she chuckled, "Well, I hope you brought your appetites. Its Dinner time."

Hanzo smiled at his loving wife, "Thank you Harumi." he said in a soft tone, sending Satoshi to prepare the table for them to sit and eat together.

As they sat down to eat, Hanzo looked over his happy, and smiling family once more, he definitely couldn't have been anymore happier than he already was.

He would do anything, and everything for them.

If anything ever happened to them, he would get his revenge on those who harmed, and those who were involved in harming his family.

He could never say it out loud, but he truly loved his family.

Hope y'all enjoyed today's chapter!

More soon!

Stay fresh my cheese bags, and take care.

Just MORTAL KOMBAT things.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz