Soo.. bad news..

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Sooo malas noticias..

I know I said I was back, and that I'd continue the book and all..

But something happened today and now I won't be able to keep that promise..

My phone is getting turned off for good.. And I'm getting my computer taken away too..

So I don't know when.. Or how I'm gonna post new chapters or new books..

Se que dije que regrese, y todo.. Pero hoy paso algo, y ahora no voy a tener un telefono, y tampoco mi computadora. Asi que,.. No se cuando voy a poder a postiar o subir nuevos libros o capitulos para mis estorias.

Im sorry if I got your hopes up for nothing.. Lo siento..

Um.. Take care.. And always stay fresh my guys.


Cuidense todos.. Y como siempre.  Quedense frescos.


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