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Requested by @Syrme049 again~ uwu
My favorite ship~!
Anyway as promised here's another long over due chapter!
Kenmac. The ship name everyone agreed with for the lovely and cute couple of telekinetics.

As usual, Ermac and Kenshi spent their calm days together, as loving boyfriends.

When they weren't fighting against each other, they would spend time alone, and hug, kiss, and more.

In particular, they would mostly cuddle, and enjoy each other's presence.

While resting in each other's arms, Kenshi calmly spoke soft sweet nothings to his beloved Ermac.

Ermac, only smiled and reciprocated those words with kisses and nuzzles, all while giving his dear Kenshi his undivided attention.

Talking amongst themselves, they knew they being watched by smiling Kombatants.

Some were glad of their relationship, others were just glad that they could shed light into their lives with something that wasn't so gloomy, depressing, or with disturbing fights anywhere nearby.

That said, when the pair were set to fight against each other, they knew it was what they had to do, and afterwards they'd go out and have fun with each other as a way to apologize and make up for the fighting, and brutal power moves.

Even so, they were still happy to have each other's backs, love, and warmth for one another.

And by the end of the day, when they were ready to sleep, they'd fall asleep in each other's arms and snuggle under the blankets.

Ready for the next day.

Another chapter soon!

Stay fresh cheese bags!

Just MORTAL KOMBAT things.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora