Chapter 12: Needing Closure

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••• Prince Gumball •••

The dust waved away as a dark figure moved in the rubble. A scaled tail swung out if the debris; the ligament missing its point. The black and red dragon breathed fire upon the summit, coating the ground in soot. “It’s Marceline!” I shouted, noting that she had told me she could turn into anything she wanted. Thick black smoke surrounded Marshall, using his powers to transform. Dark wings sprouted from the darkness, a steak of fire streaked out of the cocoon of ashes and smoke. The wings created powerful gusts to blow away the vapor and the figure Marshall had become came into view. A large bipedal wyvern, midnight black and bloodlust red scales covered its body. Its eyes glowed a hellfire red, showing no mercy for any victim that entered its view. The entire neck, back, and tail was covered in white spines, no doubt coated in some sort of venom or toxin. The wyvern thrusted itself into the air with a flap of its wings, jetting toward the black and red dragon. The ground still shook violently as they battled in the sky; slinging fire back and forth along with some slashing talons and tail smacks. The dead Marshall had arisen to help us fight the enemies suddenly dropped to a pile of bones. If Marceline really is the dimensional reflection of Marshall, then they have the same powers, weaknesses, and strengths. Fires raged as we raced to unlock the cages that help my parents captive. “Barnaby, please don’t worry about us, just get away from the mountain before it takes us all!” my father yelled, his piercing blue eyes clear through the thick debris. “I need answers, and I'm going to get them, in this world or the next.” I stated cooly. The inside of the mountain completely deteriorated, shifting the weight of the mountain and throwing me to the ground. The entire mountain was now sinking so swiftly that the sound caused deafness and the shaking blurred my vision. No one dared open their mouths to speak, in fear of biting off their tongues. As Marceline fell out of the sky, Marshall landed next to me in his usual form. “The mountain is collapsing! We need to get out of here” Marshall quickly turned into his giant demon bat and grabbed me. The dust was getting thick and sirens blared from the inside of the prison. “Marshall, wait!” but my pleads fell on deaf ears. We we're already a mile from the sinking mountain; the summit disappearing in the cloud of dust. I had just lost any hope of finding out the truth about my parents.

It wasn’t until we rendezvoused with the rest of the group that Peppermint maid was missing. My bawling began to cause hyperventilation at the loss of the last I had to call family. I had just witnessed my mother and father get eaten by a mountain and now Peppermint maid was missing. Had she too gotten trapped on the mountain? My crying slowly tired me out to the point of utter exhaustion, leading me into a deep sleep as the sun rose.

The sun was about near the middle of the sky when my eyes opened for the first time since I saw my parents die. Just the thought of them made me want to cry myself back to sleep. I had always been able to somewhat cope with them being dead before, but now that I had seen them again, it made it harder to say goodbye; even if I only saw then for less than twenty minutes. Research dictated that once you have an emotional connection with someone, you'll never get over it. It’s like the same way with me and Marshall. We may not be together forever, but even with a rough fall out, we would always love each other. People get easily attached, especially to their parents. It’s so hard to let go, and you never really do it; they just hang there by a thread, waiting to be brought back up. All of us we're sitting in the dining room of the palace, waiting for our meal. “Gumball it’s gonna be okay.” Fiona tried to comfort me, but it only angered me. “Fiona, I have just lost my parents and the only person who has been there for me since birth; she has cared for me and went out of her way to give me extra love. I now notice I rarely treated her like so, I more treated her like a servant.” I forced my emotions back down. “I feel so lost without her. I had just gotten over the loss of my parents, but now that I know that they we're alive it just makes everything a hundred times harder. I can't escape them, the memories keep fading in and out, and I'm bound to go crazy.” I stabbed my knife in the pancake and left the table. I needed closure, I needed to let go. Sometimes I wish I would've never woken up from that coma.

••• Peppermint Maid •••

“Thank you, death. I owe you another.” Yes, we had all died. The experience of having obsidian shrapnel impaling you and then be crushed by rocks three hundred times your size is extremely painful and dreadfully unforgettable. Our bodies began to glow, and my eyes closed. The light faded as we fell onto a table. A discordant of voices with endless questions echoed in the hollowed hall. “I'll answer questions later, where is Gumball.” They pointed outside, but I already knew where he would go. I ran out of the castle and to the courtyard outside the walls.

“It’s not fair. Why must I suffer like this?” his muttering was soft and quick, I couldn’t understand everything he said. “Your Majesty, I have returned to serve you.”

Prince Gumball •••

It’s not every day you say goodbye to everyone after a deep traumatizing trip, but I've learned that we aren’t you're everyday people. “Oh, my son, I have so many things to tell you.” My mother stroked my hair. “Well, you could start with why you we're here in the first place, and why you we're in jail.” I had deep issues because of this woman; I wanted her reasoning for it. “You already know a lot of it. I became pregnant with you, and I'm not sure why; but I decided you needed a sister. I had wanted twins so bad, but I was unfortunate enough to have that. I had a breakthrough in the lab. I had created a rip in the universe, I could travel across space and time to get you a sister; and so I did. My research proved that the worlds would reflect each other, so I knew that there would be a young girl there somewhere. I finally found her. She was about 7 years old-” I interrupted. “Wait a second. If the worlds reflected the other, then why was she 7 and I hadn’t been born?” it didn’t make sense to me. “Yes, the worlds are on the same plane of dimensions, but not time. This dimension is years ahead of us. That’s why once I had captured her and brought her back, I put her body in a coma and put her under suspended animation.” This was so much to process. “You didn’t stop her?” I looked at my father. “I never knew what she did until she brought her to your 7th birthday.” He held his head down in shame. “Then explain how I remember her before I was 7.” My mother looked guiltier than Marshall after eating my creampuffs. “The day after you turned 7, I used a formula that would scramble your memories. You would know Barnabelle from before you actually met her. It wasn’t long before Marceline came and took us. They tried to imprison us that day, but we managed to get away; but it was only a matter of time until they found us.” There was just one more question I had. “Okay. So why doesn’t Barnabelle have parents?” she paused before answering. “Because I killed them.”

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