Chapter 15: Back For You

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••• King Gumball •••

The meeting of the rulers of the kingdoms of Aah is tomorrow. I should already be there and yet I haven't even gotten out of bed. My night was infested with dreams- no, nightmares; of him. I already have a scarred past, and it seems that the longer I'm alive; the scar seems to spread, like a rash. I haven't had thoughts of such things for a long time, and I don't like to have them now. My morning routine is its bland usual self, and the blur of the day eventually leads me to breakfast. The food looks appealing, but my appetite has taken somewhat of a vacation in the last year. The usual bacon and eggs with a glass of apple juice and a... "Who put this on my plate?" I questioned the nearest person. "Peppermint maid ordered your meal." He replied calmly. "Bring her here this instant." I straighten my attire. She walks into the room a moment later. "What kind of stunt is this?" my voice becoming loud. "Barnaby, you must listen to me, He feels the same way. You think he's bad for you, but what have you done in the past year? Nothing at all. You mope around and pretend to be okay. You sign purposeless bills and the other kingdoms are mocking you. You do know you enacted a law that makes everyone wear sheep wigs. You made it illegal to call someone by their real name. That isn't even the ridiculous stuff yet. You've reversed everything you've done in the last ten years. Not only that, the kingdom is wanting to over throw you. You don't even know what state you're kingdom is in, and that is the reason you cut things off with Marshall in the first place."

It has been three days since the outburst over a creampuff on my plate, and she's right. I don't even know what's going on in my own kingdom. The meeting that was called was strictly for the matter of what the hell I was doing. It was all I could do not to be evicted from my seat immediately. I had every bill I signed in the last year abolished and restored the kingdom. But most importantly, I called Marshall. He didn't answer, but I could feel him looking at the phone and knowing it was me.

"You called gum wad?" his presence was invigorating. Instantly he was in front of me. "I did." The air thickened as his body pressed against mine. "I never thought that our chemistry could flare up like this again. His lips were instantly around my neck. "Marshall, please." I pulled him away. "What's wrong bubba?" his eyebrows knit with concern. "I thought you wanted this?" I instantly felt guilty. "Well, I do. But I can't. I love you Marshall, I always will. I've been through so much, and you've been there for me; but you've also caused so much. I don't know what happened, but we need to fix whatever broke. To be honest, I've been a mess without you and I know you have too. We only work when we are us." I really wanted Marshall and I to work, but I knew deep inside that we couldn't work. "Gumball, you k know how we are. Were opposites and they don't attract in the ways they need to, at least the way you need to. You work all the time and you never have time for me. I have a kingdom of my own now, and time is different there. I could be gone for two weeks and miss half a year. We've changed so much and it's like we've swapped personalities. It's because of you I use words like 'personalities.' Face the music; we only work when we're physical." My heart sinks to my feet. "Then maybe we should be more physical. Just here me out. We have to find a way around the time situation but if were both willing to make this work, then were gonna have to have a lot more erotic moments? This is what you've implied?" his cheeks flushed. "Well, yes, but it doesn't have to be constant. I mean just like having physical company with each other, of course I won't turn down kinky, erotic sex with you." His voice became primal, a deep animalistic growl emanating from his voice. "Nor would I, and it's going to be hard with the time difference, but if anyone can work; we can." The awkward tension faded and the sexual tension flared.

His lips were crashed into mine, the passion strong and rough. His arms gripped my waist and his hair was soft under my fingers. My body was pushed onto the bed, his strength ripping the fabric of my clothing like a toothpick. His tongue stroked my neck with temptation. "I am going to torture you, and then I'm going to bury myself in you, and then probably do it again." His teeth scraping the skin along my collar bone. Our bodies radiated heat and it felt so good to be here again. His tongue grazed my nipple in simple ecstasy, releasing moans deep within me. His mouth traveled down my chest and around my abs, stopping to leave light love bites. He made his way into my pubic hair, which was slightly awkward; but I'll take what I can get.

I'm Just Your Problem (BoyxBoy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें