Some Explanation

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"I decided against it." You responded and stroked the blonde's hair once more. "He's my personal Zelda tracker after all."

Hopefully this would stop Ghirahim from doing anything drastic.

"Hmph." Ghirahim mused.

"I'm going to bring him over to the pool to wash his wounds." You carefully got up and then carried Link over your back. "But I have some questions for you."

"Questions?" Ghorahim walked beside you.

"Yeah." You nodded without looking at him. "Like for starters, you said when I woke up that you enhanced my healing ability in regard to my affinity with you- but I died, right?"

"... Oh..." Ghirahim gave you a blank expression.

"You owe me an explanation." Now at the pool's edge, you set Link down and took off his heavy equipment.

"It just seemed like such a waste."

'I knew it.' You narrowed your eyes at the Lord as you slid Link into the water before stepping in yourself.

"Now, now." Ghirahim tisked. "You know it's more than that. I like you (Y/N)." He then made himself float above the water as to not get wet and placed hand on your shoulder. "I was counting on you to help me and then you went and died. You're not exactly efficient, are you?"

"My Lord..." You apprehensively put your hand over his. "Why did you lie to me?" You tightened your grip and looked Ghirahim in the eye.

It certainly seemed odd. Maybe the Lord wanted to prevent you going into shock. Whatever the case, he must have done so with a goal in mind. You were his tool after all. 'I'm not the chosen Hero or anything.'

"Well..." Ghirahim paused. "I just didn't think it was that important to tell you. What difference does it make now?"

You scoffed.

"Think about it this way." He then appeared behind you and began to whisper in your ear. "(Y/N) of Skyloft is already dead. You can be anyone you want now."


"Are you mad?"

"Tell me what else you're hiding from me." You moved back out of the pool. "Why was my stone blinking earlier? You never mentioned it would do that."

"The stone?" Ghirahim tilted his head to the side.

You nodded.

"That's for you." Ghirahim then waved his hand in dismissal. "When in the presence of danger, it will start doing that."

"Danger?" You inquired as a loud drop of water hit the surface of the pool.

"Yes, danger." The Lord responded with a chuckle. "For example..." He then glanced towards Link.

'Then I guess it classifies Link as a danger to me... makes sense I suppose.' You shifted your gaze to the luminous cave wall. 'I'm just gonna have to trust what Ghirahim says for now.'

"The stone I gave you... it's more than just a weapon vessel. It's your anchor." The Demon Lord stated. "Even if you die, as long as the stone remains intact, I can summon you back."

'It must have been a miracle Link didnt brake it when we faught just now!'

"Then," You uncliped it from your belt and placed it on your chest. Immediately, the jewel created a small chain that wrapped around your throat as a necklace. "It will be better here where I can keep a closer eye on it."

"You're taking this surprisingly well." Ghirahim admired the jewel on you chest.

"There's not much I can do about it now... but what about its durability?" You asked while adjusting the chain.

"It's quite strong but an infused strike from Link's sword can shatter it-"

"Just like that?! You're kidding-" You stopped yourself when you heard Link groan and continued in a hushed voice. "Is that why every time he points his sword at me I get a headache? No, wait..." You placed a hand to your chin in thought.

'That was happening even before I died.'

"It's not complete yet, but the light from that sword despells your very existence." The Lord then floated off to the side to put his toes on the ground again. "That's why we must deal with Zelda before Link manages to reforge the sword."

"Right," You shifted your gaze to Link as he let out a small groan. "Because killing him isn't an option right now... can't you also track Zelda?"

"Somewhat." Ghirahim replied while shrugging.

'Somewhat, he says.' You mentally sighed in disappointment. 'If only there was some way to pinpoint her movements.'

"Then, can I ask you something else?" You said as you squeezed water out of your pants.

"Fire away." Ghirahim responded.

"So... can you actually read my mind?" You looked back up at him.

"No," Ghirahim picked at his nail and flicked something off. "What I can feel are you emotions."

'He seems to be telling the truth but he could be lying about this to keep trying to manipulate me.'


You narrowed your eyes. The silent ambience of the cave was becoming increasingly noticeable.

"They are more 'visible' now that your affinity towards me is greater."

"..." The water droplets were falling at a steady pace now. A small echo followed each one.

"Well you were able to pull out my other form, right?" The Demon Lord raised a brow.

'Then he can't actually read my mind.'

"Relief." Ghirahim crossed his arms over his chest. "Im assuming because you've realized I can't actually read your mind."

'Hmm, with a read on my emotions and the current context he can accurately guess my thoughts.'

"But you know (Y/N)." Ghirahim appeared in front of you. "Everytime I appear in front of you like this, whether you want to admit it or not, I always get the same feeling from you."

"Which is?" You raised a brow as Ghirahim grasped your jaw lightly.

"Excitement." Ghirahim then titled your jaw upward and leaned in as your heart rate dramatically increased. "I can feel your elevated pulse. So I'll tell you right now." His voice changed to a whisper. "You can't hide anything from me."

There was another groan from Link.

"He's waking up." Ghirahim let you go. "Take care of that."

You hesitantly moved back into the pool and sat the blonde up.

"Link." When you glanced back behind you Ghirahim was gone. 'He really just does as he pleases.' You then thought bashfully.

"(Y-Y/N)." Link tensed in your arms. "Were you talking to someone just now..?"


"Are you okay?" Link had a worried look in his eye.

"I'm fine." You reassured him and placed your hand over your heart. "You don't need to worry about me anymore." You then gently rubbed the gem on your chest as Link slowly got out of the pool.

'I'll be fine. But I need to start taking this seriously.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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