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  It was saddening. It wasn't the usual energetic fine music she knew, no it was different. She couldn't pin it down. The songs sounded more empty with every lyrics sung. Their voices slightly trembled, or perhaps she was over thinking? No. She was sure of it, these people singing in front of her were sad and mourning.

Seeing as she has the closest seats, when she would occasionally see their faces, their eyes were hazy. It broke her heart to know these people, who don't know her yet comforted her with their voices, are sad. She wanted to comfort them and tell them it's alright.

She looked at them with saddened and pitiful eyes, hey eyes simply screamed 'it's okay, I'm here'

That. That's right there made the idioms heartache. Although she doesn't remember them, she was the only one to notice, under the make up they wore, what their true emotions were.

'Guys smile. As long as she smiles, because then the point of this concert is gone, boys remember this is our goodbye to her.' Min Yoongi's voice echoed in the other members ears. Jim knew. Even though he didn't like his powers he used it for their sake. This was Min Yoongi's magic.

Min Yoongi was never the type of man to say such words but in that moment his heart was crushed.

'Yoongi.... ' Jin. Their oldest, he was always very kind and caring, today  was not exception. But he had to stay strong.

'Hyung is right owe her this much' Jungkook's only regret was not giving her the proper goodbye.

" ARMY~"

The concert was almost over.

In a rush of wind Kim Yoora felt something tugging at the back of her mind. Something told her 'go to them'. Her heart was beating in her ears. It was sorta magical. She slowly pushed through the few people in front of her. The railing held her back, yet she failed to realize that's the people she was looking for were right in front of her.

  Flushed with adrenaline and her heartbeat in her ears she was crying. Her tears were leaving salty trails down her face. Yet her eyes held so much warmth and sadness. Despite the mask it was almost like she hadn't been wearing one.

Why was she crying?

What is she forgetting?

It was so simple she never realized. The answer was in front of her. All seven idols looking at her. These people, these men what are they to her? Her tears wouldn't stop, her heart felt lighter, and warm. Unknowingly she took off her mask, smiling at them. Unknowingly she slowly healed the seven men.

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