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My eyes slowly open as I hear my alarm wait my alarm? I look around sighing quietly. It was just a dream.. if only I had a chance to live with the idols I look up too.. I get off my bed and a get ready for school "hurry up don't be late for school no breakfast today take that as a lesson to hurry up!!"  my mother shouted from her room. I walked to the bus stop waiting for my bus. My day goes as usual, going to class ,taking notes ,being bored to death so on, eventually I was at my English class the time already being 4:23 class ends at 5:00. "Miss Yoora you'r going home early please go to the main office" the teacher spoke out "thank you teacher goodbye" I said as I gathered my things and made my way out the class. I wonder why I'm leaving early I have never left this early. I was about to walk in the office when someone grabbed my arm. I instinctively grabbed their arm twisting my body to get behind them having them in a lock position. "Yah you have good reflexes, I'm impressed miss Kim" someone behind me suddenly spoke. I let go of the person and I turn around only to be hit on my neck my vision going black.

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