Chapter 20

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I was being carried where; who knows ,all I know is where ever I'm going I should be careful. "Don't worry you'll be safe now" I close my eyes weariness washed over me, I was exhausted due to me trying to escape the chains that bounded me to the wall.

I woke up feeling groggy my head pounding with pain.someone had left a tray of food on the table I take in the features of the room. The door creaked as it opened. "Hasta el fuego' you said that in your sleep what did it mean Ms. Kim, is it meaningful to you?" "Hasta el fuego" I repeat, "until the fire" it's very meaningful to me, to be honest it's the only thing I lived with through my life. I'm looking for that fire in my eyes ,it's gone. "Hm? Feeling better? I mean, your wrists" I look at them, both having red marks, "I'm alright this is nothing ,anyways" oh god what did I say I shouldn't have said that "pardon what was that?" The person had asked concern lacing in his voice "O oh um nothing i said nothing" I hurriedly spoke. "Alright I'll bandage your wrists real quick then you should eat after I'll leave you to rest, I trust that you won't escape, miss Kim oh I also expect our leader to figure out your gone in 3 2-" suddenly a loud voice boomed through the halls making me flinch. "JIN HYUNG YOU SNEAKY OLD MAN" I head loud footsteps stomp to the room Jin sighed "1, alright look here, Jungkook she's a kid she probably doesn't know about that world. I bet she's being used" a figure steeped into the room ,quietly speaking "she's a Kim you can't trust a Kim plus I knew about that world since I can remember" "that's because you were born in it what if she wasn't, anyways it seems like she doesn't live with 'him." Their bickering continues until a tall person enters, clearing his throat "ahem, leave the poor girl alone don't you think she already suffered enough trauma." His voice sent shivers down my spine. The tall man continue to talk until, suddenly I think of something "Hasta el fuego, bred or born" I quietly mumble, three heads turn to look at me. I realized what I had said and covered my mouth quietly apologizing "I I'm sorry I I didn't mean to-" there was a quiet pause before the tall man spoke " where did you learn that phrase miss Kim" I let myself think, where did I learn it I'm not sure; it just came out. "Um I it just slipped out..." i thought about the phrase more. "Do you know what it means?" "Yes" "can you tell me?" I pause for a bit. "Bred or born your 'bred' to live the life they choose or your born into the life your given, hasta el fuego until the fire until it ends well stay together until the end" I look up seeing two dumbfounded expressions and one impressed. "I'm impressed I wouldn't have thought that you knew what it meant. Jungkook give her the tattoo she's bangtang Jin continue to treat her wounds." "What?! Hyung she can't be she's a Kim!" "I understand Namjoon" I was left there dumbfounded. Did that really just happen?! "No buts just do as your told." His aura it's of leadership and dominating yet caring "your the leader aren't you" I spoke my mind "ah Miss Kim you are very observant I'll give you credit for that but yes I am the leader" hah I knew it. Jin continued taking care for me "um we haven't properly met I I'm yoora, who may you be?" "Oh right I'm jin that grumpy sulking kid over there Is Jungkook" wow grumpy? "There your all fixed!" "Thank you Jin-ah" Jungkook left then came back holding a bag he had some gloves on along with a mask "lay down" he ordered Jin only looked at him and scoffed "can't you ask nicely Jungkook-ah?" "I it's okay no w worries" Jungkook huffed then sat down he gave me a small book that had drawings in it. "Choose one" I look through the pages until I come across a small sketch it was a vine. It had leaves coming out delicate flowers attached at the end of the vine it would curl inward in the opposite direction ,small dots at the center of each curl. "This one" I heard myself say. "Hah that one? It's a pretty big piece I would need space, where do you want it?" I ponder for a moment before my final decision "my thigh it's pretty big right so it should be there on the left side" he scoffed before handing me a towel to cover myself. Huh he's not that bad Jin looked at us trying to hold back his giggles that occasionally would be heard earning him a glare from Jungkook. "This will hurt do you want to be strapped down so you won't move a lot?" I nod slowly Jin came towards me strapping me down after he sat on my right side, of the bed holding my hand he gave Jungkook a reassuring nod and then Jungkook pierced my skin.

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