Chapter 8: Winter Break

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Now it was the first day of winter break. Christmas didn't happen yet. Everyone met at Dib and Gaz's house to play.

"WINTER BREAK!!" Billy said and opened his mouth to eat the snowflakes. Tak threw snowballs in the air and Rose was eating the snow.

"What's this? What's this? There's white things in the air." Zim said and picked up some snow. Gir was making snow-angels. 

Mandy was building a statue of herself out of snow.

"Where's Gaz? She needs to come out here!" Tak said.

"Gaz is inside. She is such a Scrooge." Dib said and pointed to Gaz's bedroom window.

"Let's get her out here!" Rose said. Dib, Rose, Tak and Mandy went inside while Zim and Gir stayed outside. 

They got upstairs and opened Gaz's door to see her room was completely dark except for the light of her Game Slave. Gaz's head turned around 180 degrees. "GO AWAY!" Gaz hissed.

"No! You're gonna come out." Tak said. A robot arm came out of her PAK and grabbed Gaz.

"Fine..." Gaz muttered. She put on her coat, mittens, and boots. 

They went back outside. "Gaz, why do you hate winter?" Rose asked Gaz.

"I don't hate's just so COLD!" Gaz said. She got so angry she melted the snow around her. Gaz didn't have any powers, she can just get really angry.

"TAKE THAT!" Zim yelled and threw a snowball at Gaz's face. Gaz was silent for a few seconds.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!" She yelled at starting chucking dozens of snowballs at everyone in seconds. Gaz, Zim and Tak were all throwing snowballs at each other.

"Take cover!" Rose said. Her and Mandy built a wall made of snow and hid behind it.

"You guys are sissies. This is WAR!" Dib said and he joined the battle too.

"Sissies!? It's ON Dib!" Zim yelled.

Zim, Dib, Gaz and Tak were all throwing hundreds of snowballs at each other. 10 minutes later, Rose, Mandy, Billy, Gir and Mimi all stared at the others.

"oooOOOOoooo...." Said Gir. 

Zim, Dib, Gaz and Tak were covered in snow. The only thing you could see was their eyes.

"Youuu guys are SNOW PEOPLEZ!!!" Gir yelled. Zim used a robotic arm that was also a light from his PAK that melted all the snow off of him.

"No we're not, Gir. Now come! We're going back inside." Zim said. Zim and Gir left.

"Us too. Goodbye humans! Come, Mimi." Tak said. Mimi nodded and they left. Billy, Mandy and Rose said goodbye to Dib and Gaz and they went home too.

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