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third-person POV:

"SHIT!" Rafe Cameron yelled out into the empty swamp after throwing a dead body into the murky waters.

"Where are you fucking gators when I need you?!" He started shaking his arms and legs and breathing out of his nose slowly.

"Looking for these boys?" yelled a unfamiliar voice from across the water.

Rafe looked across to find a girl he hadn't noticed before. She had long dark hair with tan skin and freckles and was sitting leaning against a tree.

"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news," She called out, " But it's nap time." She glanced down at the calm alligator by her side whom she was stroking its head with her palm.

For a second the boy took his eyes of the strange girl and back at the body of the man he killed in the waters before him.

His expression went dark, "I really wish you hadn't seen me do that," he said, his voice deep and unsteady, "cause now, I'm gonna have to kill you too."

She smiled to herself and rose to her feet, "I don't think that's necessary."  She tapped the large gator a couple times until it slithered into the water.

Rafe watched as the water around the dead body became easy as a monstrous set of teeth arose, and the gator's jaws snapped around the body as it descended dragging the dead man with it, neither of them no longer to be seen.

Rafe looked up and the girl was gone.

On the Run - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now