1 - New Kook In Town

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New Kook In Town

Sasha's Introduction (her pov):

The Outer Banks. My new home I guess.

I've only been here a couple days and it's pretty sweet, apart from some weird encounters (hinting at prologue) while exploring the island. Nonetheless, the people are okay and the house is nice. By nice I mean the house is a fucking mansion. But it's not mine. It's my stepdad's. I just live here.

Will made us move when my mom died. Some shit leaving the past behind and creating new beginnings here at the Figure 8. I just want my mom back.

Will abuses me, which is weird to say at loud, but that how it is. He beats me up real bad at times for whatever reason why. Glad it's only me though and not my sister MJ. She looks too much like my mum for him to hurt her.

Will talks about leaving the past behind, but wherever we go he will still abuse me.

And now, we're here, at the Outer Banks; and I
will make sure he can't hurt me anymore.

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