Another piece of the truth.

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As I walked out of the church, the wind has ceased, only the sunlight remained, I saw Kel waving at me, I walked across the road and went to his side.

he wasn't pretty talkative, but he is at least better than yesterday, he will recover slowly, or so I've hoped.

I've walked with him back home and said that I needed to go get groceries as an excuse to go and meet Aubrey, I didn't want him to know since it'd be mainly related to Sunny and I'd probably have to go to his house in search for his violin if my guess was correct, well I don't have much time to think about this.

I've walked to our old hangout spot, or used to be, as I've expected, I've found Aubrey there, she was alone.

I didn't understand why she was alone, she had the hooligans on her side, well, Aubrey was sitting on the swings, the same ones she and Sunny would use when we all go home, Sunny consulted me about this once, he saw me as the mature and flirty one, so he asked me for advice with Aubrey, I didn't help much, but I remember him saying that he'd stay in the night with Aubrey playing with the swings since she was scared to go back home, he was so considerate and sweet towards her, of course she'd miss those times and the same swings that she used with Sunny, now that he isn't here.

I've silently walked towards her and called out her name, she just looked at me in the eyes weakly.

"Hey Aubrey, how are you doing."


"I've wanted to talk with you about something."

"Go ahead."

"Do you remember a toybox that Sunny used to own?"

As I said the name Sunny, Aubrey's expression shifted from sad to straight up miserable, maybe i should've waited before asking, but it was getting late, I didn't want Kel to worry about me.

"...No, I'm sorry."

Aubrey said, her voice was very soft and it cracked mid-sentence, poor thing.

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

"I have to go home, my mother would worry about me, since they want me to do some chores around this time."

Aubrey said while avoiding eye contact, I knew this was a lie just to escape this current situation, but I also knew what Aubrey felt.

"Oh, alright, take care."

I said.

Aubrey went back to their home, now I have nobody else to question aside from Basil, his house was near Sunny's, therefore it's near mine too, I should ask Kel for directions, he used to hangout with Basil more than me, so he may know about the correct directions to Basil's house, well now I have to go buy groceries and go back home quickly so Kel won't suspect anything, I don't want him to be involved.

As I went to the supermarket to buy the groceries, I've noticed the flower shop near the supermarket, I remember Kel telling me that Basil started working in such stores after his grandmother's death, then an idea crossed my mind, maybe just maybe I might find Basil there, this was the only flower shop around, so there was a high chance of me finding him here, I've entered the shop and asked the cashier if they knew about someone who has or had a part-time job here with the name Basil, to my surprise they said yes, and that he just went to the supermarket to buy water.

So I've just had to wait here until he returns, 3 minutes has passed and then the door to the store has opened, and a yellow haired yet pale boy emerged from it, at first I wasn't able to recognize him, but after another glance, I've realized it was Basil, he was growing very pale, his eyes have no life in them, his hair was messy and he didn't have any flower put in his hair this time, he always mentioned how much he loved to do that.

his eyes sparkled when he saw me standing beside the cashier and then he attempted to run away, I ran after him, we've ran across many streets, I managed to catch up with him easily as he ran out of breath after running for a short period of time.

"Huff, Basil why are you running."

"Why are you following me."

"I just want to talk with you."

"Trust me, you don't."

"Just hear me out."

"What do you want to tell me."

"First, let's find a place for us alone, okay?"


"Alright, thanks."

I've walked with him to a nearby park.

"Alright, what i wanted to ask you is if you knew about any toy box that Sunny used to own."

Basil gasped and have shown a face of pure terror from that sentence.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about, Hero."

"I think you know from the face you've shown, Basil please tell me, even if it's related to Sunny, I'll endure the pain as a way to show that I still care about him and his whereabouts, i want to finish his unfinished business so he could rest in peace."

"Hero you don't know, that business is already finished."

"How are you so sure."

"It's because I know about that toy box, you won't like it's contains."

"I don't care."


Basil ran away once again, I didn't bother to run after him this time, as i was confused about why he wanted me to leave Sunny alone, I thought I was helping him, wasn't the contains of that toy box just his violin, I thought it'd be good if i brought that violin back to his grave, since it was his valued possession after all.

It's no use overthinking it, I've already started this and I'll be the one to end it, I'll go visit Sunny's house tomorrow, as it was getting late as of now, and im sure Kel is worried now, but i had to do this, well it's time to go back home.

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