6. are you.. sure?

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~~After a few minutes, Ni-Ki came back from the bathroom, looking rather fresh - and very attractive if I do say so myself.

Then I realised...


"Woah. Calm down there, Hyung. What is it?" He asked, rushing towards me.

"I.. forgot to bring clothes for school. I think I'm gonna have to go back home to get dressed. You go to school without me, it's fine if I'm lat-"

"Babe, you can just borrow my clothes." He smirked at me teasingly.

"O-oh. Thanks Riki" I smiled back at him, although a bit flustered.

"Oh, and, one more thing.." He added, handing me a hoodie and a pair of jeans. "You can call me whatever you want - and, just because I'm nice - kiss me whenever you want. Just.. treat me how you would your real boyfriend." He continued.

"Wait... Are you.. sure? Like, are you actually okay with that??" I wouldn't like to think that I was forcing him into anything, that's just cruel.

"Yep, 100% sure. Afterall, we need to be as convincing as possible."

"But.. there's one thing we didn't think through.. It's.. what if one of us actually falls for the other? How would we work this out?"

"I don't really think I would have any problem actually dating you - don't know about you, though - but 'till the day comes where we have to discuss this, we'll just be fake, I guess." He answered simply.

I may have looked fairly calm on the outside, but on the inside I felt like I was about to have a heart attack.

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