18. i think.. it's too late...

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*tw: pretty bad violence but the most plot we've ever got in a chapter, and the most plot we ever will get (and the last plot, pretty much, except for the last chapter which I will publish next)*

After an immense amount of time walking back from school, I finally reached my house. I knew Ji-Yeong was supposed to be home earlier today because her Christmas holiday is starting, so, I knocked on the door, expecting someone to open it. But, after a few long minutes of waiting outside, I realised that she hadn't arrived yet - which is fairly odd, to be honest, especially since she promised me to get back from work in the afternoon.

In the end, I fished my keys out of my pocket and opened the front door, finding the house completely empty of any life - except some plants, I guess, but that currently is irrelevant because I don't care much for them.

As no one is home yet, I figured that, there probably isn't any food to eat in the fridge - and I sure am starving! I happily skipped my way to the kitchen and got a packet out of microwaveable ramen out of the cupboard because my ass is too lazy and uncreative to actually cook anything from scratch.

I had just finished pouring water into the bowl, when I heard the house door click open.

"It must be Ji-Yeong!!" I whisper-squealed to myself. But, before I could start walking out of the kitchen to greet her, I witnessed and felt quick movements, too quick to apprehend, and heard loud bangs.

After a few seconds, I felt a heavy weight fall onto me, knocking me back to lean against the cutlery drawers and the sound of swift-thumping footsteps trailing away from where I had sat.

And, then, as I had glanced upon what - or, actually, who - lay in my lap, suddenly, everything made sense.

It was Ji-Yeong. No, not embracing me because she missed me but, rather, unconscious, creating a big puddle of blood which poured out of her heart like the longing autumn rain.

No-one POV

As Sunoo sat, any emotions having fully left his face, tears streamed down his cheeks like rivers.

He grabbed his phone from his pocket, dialing a number, a very familar one.

"Sunoo-Hyung?? Oh hi!! Do you need anyt-"

"Ni-Ki, please.. I'll make this short, I love you.. okay? Just.. remember to call the ambulance.. please, as soon as you can!!"

"Huh? Hyung?? Is everything o-"

The older hung up the call, hesitantly reaching into the drawer, right where his head had laid, grabbing a sharp kitchen knife.

Clutching it with both his palms, he made sure it was to land exactly where Ji-Yeong had taken the stray bullet for him, soon after, beginning to let out his life's blood.

And, then, he remembered the ending paragraph of a well-written book before he had read before - it went something like this:

"The moment I decided that I loved you, everything went down in flames. And, from then till present day, you never came to extinguish the very fire within my heart. Maybe one day, you would care. But that is far from being soon. So, till that day which I look forward to greatly, I will burn away, until I eventually stop, out of fuel to run any longer."

Nothing had ever reminded him of his love more than these mere words. They were so simple, yet so expressive, and, most importantly, more meaningful to him than possibly any other thing on this cruel planet.

He wanted to engulf his Riki in one last large, warm hug. However..

"I think.. it's too late..." Sunoo choked out, hearing the blares of the ambulance vans in the driveway, although, after that, his eyes closed shut, for, possibly, the last time.


not proof-read ahhahah, expect errors (and stan vixx)
so proud of this chapter negl :')

btw i wrote that epic paragraph myself 😭😭

sad vibess


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