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Piano keys playing.

My brother and I.

We're laughing.

We're happy.


The windows are shattered.

The wind is strong.


Footsteps are itching closer.


We're not happy.

My mother is lying on the ground.


Blood filling the room.

She's dead.

My brother.

He's dead.

I'm not happy.

My father.

He's live.



He's getting closer.




His hands are around my neck.

Choking me.

Gripping me.



I'm dead?


Fast heartbeats.



I need air.

I gasped taking all of the air, inhaling, and exhaling heavily. I opened my eyes quickly hoping to see anything but him. Little stars lighting on the ceiling. I sighed thankfully, getting up from my uncomfortable sleep feeling my throat dry. I walked towards the kitchen searching for water but stopped, going back to the room.

"Sungwoo can I take water?" I asked shaking him gently

"Yeah of course" he responded opening half of his eyes

I thanked him and returned to the kitchen. I took a glass bottle from the fridge, the cold water passing through my esophagus refreshing me.

I was on my way back to the room until I saw the clock that was hung up on the wall. It was already one o'clock and I'm late. I packed my things quickly not forgetting to fold the blankets that I used. Then after I finished, I left the house going to the bus station.

I checked the bus schedule and it said that the next bus for the other town is still an hour later. So, I had no option but to walk. The sun was glowing, making the weather hotter. I sighed, holding tightly on the bag strap.


"Why are you late?" asked chi won

"Just woke up late" I waked further inside noticing that he didn't open the store, yet 

"You got me worried I thought something happened to you" he brushed my hair off my forehead with a pout on his lips

He then moved his hand to my shoulder rubbing it softly making my heart from beating fast from fondness to beating fast because I'm uncomfortable and scared he would hurt me like him. The thoughts make me shiver and move back from him. He got that I'm uncomfortable in his touch and moved back raising his hand exchanging his expression with an innocent one.

Then, I left him to go and change my clothes to begin work.

The day was anything but great. It was the weekend so a lot of people came buying their monthly groceries. Many of them were really rude to for no reason, they would complain about anything like it's something must and some were kind, mostly old women.

Thankfully, it was now six so my shift ended. I stretched my arms and massaged my back while watching chi won flip the sign from open to closed. I closed my eyes and continued to massage my shoulder and back struggling a bit.

"Do you need help?" he added with a smile showing his dimples

"No thanks" I responded quickly

"You were struggling a minute ago so I will help you, don't worry I'll only make you feel better" he changed his smile with a smirk.

"No, really I don't need it" I started getting back pulling my hands to my chest

Then, the sound of the small metals colliding with each other that were hung up on the door took over the sound of my heartbeat.


Life Had Other Plans: M.YGWhere stories live. Discover now