Chapter One - All That I'm Asking For

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Chapter One – All That I'm Asking For


Tom sat at his usually table in the Leaky Cauldron. This time, however, in front of him, was a fire whiskey. It was almost the anniversary of what he would deem the worse day of his life. It had been nearly two years since Elayne had died.

Slowly, Tom raised the glass to his lips, taking a swig.

"Fire whiskey? This early?" He heard a voice call from behind him, in an English accent.

Tom looked over his shoulder and smirked when he saw dark red curls.

"Five o'clock somewhere. That's what the muggles say, isn't it?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"I suppose it is." Elayne laughed, walking over and plopping down in the seat across from Tom. She reached over the table and snatched the glass from him, quickly taking a drink before setting it back on the table.

Tom glares at his girlfriend. "That isn't for you, you know."

Elayne laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Oh? It's for you, isn't it?"

Narrowing his eyes, Tom nodded.

"Well then it's mine as well! After all, what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine!" Elayne said, dropping the English accent and talking in her regular American one.

Tom rolled his eyes. "You always use that against me. One of these days it won't work."

Grinning, Elayne said, "I'll use it to my advantage until it stops working." She sat back in her chair, sighing. "How have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

Tom snorted. "You saw me just a few weeks ago, when I came to Hogsmeade for your last weekend trip."

Elayne jutted out her bottom lip, pouting. "That was weeks ago! Plus, exams made it feel even longer, with all the studying I had to do."

"Well, you're finally finished now. No more exams. You're free to do as you'd like." Tom said, picking up the cup and taking a sip of his fire whiskey.

A fond smile appeared on Elayne's lips. "You know, I always figured when I was finished with school, I would work alongside my dad. But ever since the accident... And ever since Christmas..." Elayne fiddled with the diamond ring on her left ring finger. "All I want is to finally become your wife."

Tom smirked behind his glass as he finished off his drink. "Well, I approve of your decision."

Giggling, Elayne stood up and walked around the small table, leaning down and kissing Tom on the cheek. She was about to pull away, but Tom pulled her back down, pressing his lips to hers.

After their kiss ended, Tom stood up, wrapping an arm around Elayne and walking towards the back of the pub that led to Diagon Alley.

"I have to get back to work. Will you be staying down in the shop? Or do you plan to head off to my flat?" Tom asked as they passed through the brick wall and into Diagon Alley.

"Well, first, I want to change out of my school clothes." She gestured down at her school uniform that she still had on. "Then I want to burn my uniforms, but after that, I would love to hang out in the shop with you for a bit. I always like seeing the new stuff Borgin gets in."

The pair walked through Diagon Alley and then turned into Knockturn Alley.

Tom's eyes were constantly scanning the narrow walkway, making sure that everyone knew not to get too close to his girl.

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