Chapter Two - Comes and Goes

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Chapter Two – Comes and Goes


The following morning, Elayne woke up, feeling excited. Today, they would be meeting up with Lestrange to go and see his newly inherited manor.

When Elayne opened her eyes, she noticed that she was in bed by herself. Her brows pinched together as she sat up, yawning.

Slowly, Elayne sat up, stretching. Another yawn escaped her lips as she swung her feet over the edge of the bed. After standing up, she walked out of the bedroom and out into the apartment's tiny living/kitchen space.

A smile graced her lips when she saw Tom sitting at the small table that sat in between the kitchen and the living room.

"Good morning." She chirped as she walked closer.

Tom looked up from the paper he was reading, a small smile passing over his lips. "Morning."

Elayne sat down across from Tom, brushing a wild curl out of her face. "When are we supposed to meet up with Tiernan?"

Glancing at the clock that hung on the wall, Tom responded, "As soon as we're able. He wants to get things settled as soon as possible."

Nodding, Elayne reached over and grabbed Tom's coffee, taking a sip. She made a face before saying, "How can you even drink that stuff? It's horrible!"

Snorting, Tom shook his head. "Acquired taste."

"Even so, it's so... Bitter! The least you could do is add some sugar or something!" Elayne stuck out her tongue.

"I like it like this." Tom said, snagging the cup back from her and taking a swig.

"What?" Elayne asked. "Black? Like your soul?" She giggled, standing up and walking to the refrigerator."

Tom raised an eyebrow, muttering under his breath, "You have no idea."

Pulling out the carton of eggs and a package of bacon, Elayne asked, "Did you say something?"

Taking another drink from his coffee cup, Tom shook his head. "No, nothing."

Humming, Elayne walked over to the stove, pulling out two small pans from the cabinet above. She then proceeded to cook breakfast.


Elayne walked out of the bathroom, brushing a hand down her pale pink dress. It went down to her knees and was cinched at the waist, with small black buttons going down the front.

Walking over to the bed, she sat down and slipped on a pair of white wedged heels.

After brushing a curl behind her ear, Elayne stood up, calling out, "I'm ready, whenever you are!" She then walked out into the living room, where Tom was sat, on the couch.

Brown eyes slid over Elayne as Tom stood up. He closed the small distance between them and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Smiling up at him, Elayne grabbed a hold of Tom's arm. "Are you ready?"

Tom nodded, readjusting her grip on him so that it was tightly wound around his forearm.

"You've been to the manor before? You know where we're going?" Elayne asked, pushing herself into Tom. They were going to be using apparition to get to the manor. Seeing as how Elayne had no clue on where it was or what it looked like, they would be doing a side by side.

"A few times, yes." Tom drawled out, sounding bored. "No need to worry, I'll get you there without splinching." He wrapped his free arm around her waist, making sure his grip was tight.

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