Chapter Ten - Heartbeat

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Chapter Ten - Heartbeat


Two years flew by rather quickly, in Elayne's opinion. It was now 1949. Tom and Elayne had just celebrated their two-year anniversary a week ago. Well, Elayne had, Tom on the other hand had flat out refused, saying he had things to deal with. Apparently, those things were more important than celebrating with Elayne.

Currently, Elayne was lying in bed, her right arm thrown over her eyes. She hadn't been feeling very well the past few days. She was almost constantly sick to her stomach, certain smells seemed to make her want to vomit, and her mood was all over the place.

"You're still in bed?" Tom's voice called from the doorway of their room.

Removing her arm, Elayne lifted her head to look at her husband. He had a dark eyebrow raised as he moved into the room.

"I haven't been feeling well." Elayne said, dropping her head back down to the pillow.

Tom hummed at her, walking over and placing the back of his hand on her forehead. "You don't feel feverish."

Slowly, Elayne sat up. She shook her head. "I don't think it's the fever kind of sick. I'm assuming it's just a stomach bug or maybe something I ate."

Tom turned away from her. "Maybe you should go to St. Mungos to get checked out."

"Olivia said she was in today, so I'll leave here in just a bit and see if she can figure it out." Elayne said, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. She went to stand up but got dizzy and sat back down.

"Careful." Tom reprimanded. "You best go sooner, rather than later."

Elayne hummed, slowly standing back up. "I'll just have a quick shower and then I'll head off."

Nodding, Tom walked back over to her and gave her a quick peck on the lips before leaving the room.

Elayne sighed and made her way to the bathroom, a hand rubbing her nauseous stomach.


Elayne sat in the small room, waiting for Olivia to come back in. After Hogwarts, Olivia had gotten a job at St. Mungos, training as a mediwitch. The blonde girl was currently going over the results of the tests she had run, with one of the healers.

After a few more moments of waiting, Olivia came in. "So, I talked to Healer Jacobs. We both agree on the diagnosis."

Elayne pushed a curl behind her ear. "And what is the diagnosis?"

Olivia chewed on her bottom lip for a moment. "Well, Laynie, it looks like you're pregnant."

Blue eyes widened as Elayne stared at her blonde friend. "What?"

Olivia sat down next to her friend. "Yeah. You're pregnant. About fourteen weeks along, from what the test says."

Placing a hand on her stomach, Elayne sat there, trying to process what she had just been told.

"Do you..." Olivia began. "Do you not want it? If you don't, we can give you something, to end the pregnancy."

Elayne shook her head. "No. I would never." She paused, looking at Olivia. "I want to keep it."

Olivia reached over and hugged Elayne. "I'm so excited for you!"

Giggling, Elayne nodded. "I'm excited as well." She paused for a moment, her brows pinching together. "I just don't know how I'm going to tell Tom."

"Do you think Tom will be happy that you're pregnant?" Olivia asked.

Elayne hummed. "I don't know. He's talked about how growing up the way he did, made him not want to have kids, but I could tell that he isn't one hundred percent sure he doesn't want them."

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