Chapter Sixteen - Untitled

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Chapter Sixteen - Untitled


A few weeks had passed since they had come up with the plan. Somehow, Dumbledore had made a replica of the locket and presented it to Elayne. This locket made it easier to fool Tom into thinking nothing had changed.

Elayne hadn't had much hope that her acting skills would fool her husband, but somehow, she was able to fool him.

Currently, Elayne sat in an oversized armchair on the second floor of the library. She was right next to one of the large windows that overlooked her flower garden.

She glanced up from the book on her lap, looking out over the garden and the pond just beyond.

She had been feeling slightly sick to her stomach and it was causing her to feel anxious.

Taking a deep breath, Elayne closed her book and stood up, setting said book down on the small table to the right of her chair.

After brushing her wild curls away from her face, Elayne marched around the upper floor and down the stairs. She tried to walk in a way that said she was confident, that said she was in control.

As she reached the table that Tom and the rest of the men were sat at, she stoned her features, trying to give the effect that the locket was doing as Tom had hoped.

"I'm going out." Elayne said, her tone assertive.

Just as she was about to turn around and walk out of the library, Tom stood from his chair, his dark eyes narrowing.

"Where are you planning on going?" He asked.

Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Elayne turned and started for the doors to the library. "I already told you. Out."

She only made it a few steps before she heard Tom growl, "Elayne."

His tone caused her to pause. She drew in a deep breath, slowly turning to face her husband.

Once he had her attention, he said, "Where. Are. You. Going?"

Huffing, Elayne crossed her arms, sending her husband a glare. "What does it matter where I'm going? I'm not your slave, Tom, nor am I your pet. I can come and go as I please."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lestrange shake his head slightly at her. Almost as if warning her not to push the dark lord.

Another growl escaped Tom's lips. He stormed towards her, grabbing ahold of her upper arm when he reached her. His grip was so tight on her arm that she almost squealed.

Tom pulled his wife out of the library, slamming her against the wall opposite the library doors once they (the doors) had closed.

"First of all," Tom hissed, his hand still tightly wrapped around her arm, "You will not speak to me in such a way. I've KILLED people for that exact thing." His other hand came up to her neck, ever so slightly putting pressure on it. "Tell me where you're going."

The breath caught in Elayne's throat. She felt her nose twitch ever so slightly, a sure sign that tears would soon follow. She had to keep her body from trembling.

"You would kill your own wife, Tom?" She asked, proud of herself for keeping her tone even.

Fed up, Tom slammed his body into her's, causing Elayne to gasp.

With his jaw set, he roared, "Do NOT call me that!"

Elayne felt her facade slipping. She was currently terrified of Tom and the way he was acting towards her.

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