Chapter Twelve - Carry You

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**Read with caution. There are some bits in this chapter that might tigger some people.**

Chapter Twelve – Carry You


Elayne stayed out in her garden until sunset. The sun reflecting off of the water was a beautiful sight to see.

"Plan on coming inside at all? Or are you going to sleep out here with your weeds?" She heard Tom call from behind her.

Elayne refused to look at him. "Go away, Tom." She croaked.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw him walk around the bench and sit down next to her.

"You've been crying." Tom stated.

Elayne sneered. "No shit. What gave it away."

With narrowed eyes, Tom reached up and twisted one of her curls around his finger. "Watch your tone." He said simply.

"And if I don't? What then, Tom?" Elayne challenged, still not looking at him.

Tom tightened his grip on her curl, making her wince. "You will not see anything but our bedroom for as long as I see fit. You will also have the vow to deal with. No disobeying, remember?"

"You would keep me prisoner?" Elayne finally turned to look at him. Her brows pinched together, a look of disgust on her face.

Tom shrugged. "If you choose to keep challenging me, yes. You need to learn your place."

Jerking away from her husband, Elayne stood up, glaring at him. "I am your WIFE, Tom! I am not one of your stupid followers. I will not bow to you just because you're power hungry and feel the need to be in control of everyone!" She shouted at him. Her breath caught ever so slightly in her chest, a dull pain filling her chest.

Slowly, Tom rose to his feet. His eyes narrowed in on her, his heading tilting to the side.

"You may be my wife, Elayne, but that does not mean that you can disobey me. My followers need to know that NO ONE will disobey me." He took a step towards her. "Your choice, darling. Change your attitude and tone towards me or you will face punishment."

Elayne tilted her head up towards the sky, shaking her head. What felt like the hundredth wave of tears pooling in her eyes.

"I'm your wife, Tom. Your wife who is carrying your child. Don't do this to me." Elayne whispered, squeezing her eyes shut.

Tom chuckled. "I'm not doing anything to you. It is on you whether you chose to obey me."

Elayne looked at her husband. Waves of different emotions rolled over her. "I love you, Tom." She started. "But I can't bend to your will."

As soon as the words left her mouth, Elayne felt even more pain in her chest. She gasped, putting a hand up to her chest.

Clicking his tongue, Tom stepped up and pulled her towards him. "Don't fight it, Elayne. The unbreakable vow won't let you fight it for long." He stroked her tear-stained cheek with the back of his hand. "Do you really want to die, while you're with child?"

After taking in a few deep breaths, the pain slowly started to recede.

Elayne looked up at Tom with teary eyes. "Why did you do this to me?" She sobbed. "I loved you! I still love you. I defend you to everyone! My family wants me to get rid of this baby because of you. Because they're scared of what it's future holds." Her body shook from how hard she was sobbing.

Tom rested his chin on top of her head. He held her close to him, one of his hands stroking up and down her back. "Shhh. Hush now, Elayne." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "What your family thinks is of no concern to me. I hold the power in our world now. No one will take this child from us."

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