Chapter Seven - Hypnotized

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Chapter Seven - Hypnotized


Tom brought Elayne up to their room, gently laying her down on the bed. He watched her for a moment. He watched the way her chest rose and fell with every breath. He watched as her eyes moved ever so slightly behind her eyelids.

Eventually, Tom sighed. "I wish I didn't have to do this, Elayne, but you've left me no choice." He pulled out his wand, placing the tip of it on Elayne's left temple.

"Obliviate." He whispered.

Tom walked over to the double doors that lead out onto one of the many different balconies. From where he stood, he had a perfect view of the pond. He flicked his wand towards it and moments later, Elayne's engagement ring landed in his hand.

Tom turned and walked back over to Elayne, taking the ring and gently sliding it back on her left ring finger.

"That's better now, isn't it?" Tom spoke softly, reaching up and brushing a curl away from Elayne's face.

He was about to turn and leave the room, but Elayne stirred.

"Did you have a nice nap, love?" Tom asked.

Elayne sat up, yawning. "Mmhm. Although the funny thing is, I don't remember falling asleep." She laughed to herself.

Tom's eyes narrowed. "You came up here and fell right to sleep after visiting your family." He had known that she had traveled to see her family. He knew that her first stop had been the American Ministry and her second had been her parent's house. Tom always kept track of Elayne, even when he had business to take care of.

Elayne flashed Tom a sleepy smile before yawning again. Her smile faded pretty quickly as she recalled the fight she had had with Leon.

"Are you alright?" Tom asked, sitting down at the foot of the bed.

"I just... Leon and I got into a fight." Elayne began, running a hand through her hair.

Tom raised an eyebrow. "What about?"

Elayne squeezed her eyes shut. "I went to the house to see if my dad was there. Leon was the only one I came across. He was asleep and had a book on dark magic open next to him." She shook her head, looking over at Tom with pinched brows. "Nothing good ever comes from dark magic."

Tom lowered his gaze to the bed before looking back at her. "You're right. But dark wizards aren't made simply because they read about dark magic."

"I know, but still! The thought scares me. So bad." Elayne said, pushing a curl away from her face.

Tom inched closer to Elayne, reaching out and running his fingers through her wild curls. "Leon will be fine."

Blue eyes met brown. Sighing, Elayne nodded.

"Tell me about your trip. You said it took four shops to find the dress?" Tom asked, standing up and walking to his side of the bed. He kicked off his shoes and sat next to Elayne, holding out an arm, so that she could snuggle into him like she usually did.

A bright smile lit up her face as she scooted towards him, laying her head down on his chest. "We went from shop to shop, spending hours in each one. At least, that was until we reached the fourth shop."

Tom wrapped his arm around her, his hand gently stroking her hair.

"Well, I'm glad that you finally found a dress you like." Tom said, closing his eyes.

The pair sat in silence for several minutes. Elayne snuggled into Tom's chest and Tom stroking her hair.

Tilting her head to look up at Tom, she smiled a sleepy smile. "I love you."

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