Chapter Eleven - I Will Be

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Chapter Eleven - I Will Be


"Anyone home?" Elayne called as she entered her parent's house.

Before she could even glance around the entry way, Elayne heard a gasp, followed by the clicking of heels against the wooden floor.

"Laynie! You're pregnant!" Queenie squealed as she met her niece in the entry way. She quickly pulled Elayne into a hug, a big smile on her face.

"Queenie! Shush, please! I only just found out." Elayne laughed, hugging her aunt back.

When the pair pulled apart, Queenie's demeanor had changed. She was no long all smiles. Her brow was pinched together and a deep frown was etched into her face.

"Oh, Laynie... You're pregnant..." Queenie whispered, a hand coming up to cover her mouth.

"Yes, Queenie. We've already established that." Elayne said, a frown of her own taking its place on her lips. "Please get out of my head."

Queenie shook her head, shuffling backwards. "Laynie, you gotta get rid of it."

Scoffing, Elayne shook her head. "Don't be silly! I'm not getting rid of my baby."

"It's HIS baby! It will turn out to be just like HIM! It'll end up killing innocent people! You have to get rid of it!" Queenie screeched, pointing at Elayne's belly.

One of Elayne's hands came up to rest protectively on her belly, while the other reached into her skirt pocket, gripping her wand.

"What's going on up here?" Newt asked as he appeared behind his sister-in-law.

"She's pregnant with the devil's spawn!" Queenie hissed.

"Enough! Stop saying such horrible things, Queenie! Just because you can read minds, that doesn't mean you can see the future!" Elayne hollered.

"You're pregnant?" Newt asked, his voice quiet.

Elayne's blue eyes flashed over to meet her father's. "Yes. I found out earlier today." Elayne spoke softly.

Newt dropped his gaze to the floor, his eyebrows pinched together.

Elayne's heart sank as she watched her father. Did he not want her to keep the baby either?

"I'm back!" Tina called, sounding like she was in the kitchen.

Footsteps were heard and Tina soon appeared behind her husband. When she saw Elayne, a smile lit up her face. "Laynie!"

Tucking a curl behind her ear, Elayne flashed her mother a small smile. "Hi, mom."

Things were quiet for a moment as Tina took in the looks on her husband and sister's faces. She glanced back to her daughter, asking, "What's going on?"

"She's pregnant, Tina. You're her mother. Talk some sense into your daughter and tell her that she needs to get rid of it." Queenie said, turning towards her sister.

Tears welled up in Elayne's eyes as she watched her mother's face melt into a frown. "So that's it then? You all just want me to get rid of my baby?" Elayne choked back a sob. The tears slowly started to fall from her eyes. She looked from her mother to her father, taking in their indifferent features.

"Let's go have some tea, huh? We can talk this over." Newt spoke, his head bowed. He then turned and walked back into the kitchen.

Queenie gave one last glance at her niece before following Newt into the kitchen.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Elayne tried to keep her sobs in. After a moment she slowly sank to the floor, the tears flowing freely from her eyes.

"Oh, Elayne..." Tina whispered, closing the distance between herself and her daughter. She knelt down in front of her daughter and pulled her into a tight hug. "We'll figure this out, I promise."

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