Chapter 1 - The Quirk Examination

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Chapter 1 - The Quirk Examination

I do plan on eventually making this story more mature, but right now not much is going to go down.

Again this is my first story please don't flame me :)

** - Action

() - Inside thoughts

CAPS - Yelling/All Might Muscle Form


On one early morning, we see a short dark greenish haired boy jump out of his bed(LITERALLY) and run over to his door. This young boy's name is DIO....wait....HMMMMMM SOMETHING DONT SEEM RIGHT.

Yea starting over, but this young boy's name is Izuku Midoriya and he is very VERY excited because today is the day after his 4th birthday and the day he and his mother had made an appointment to check what his quirk was going to be. Earlier in the year the boys best friend, an ash-blonde boy named Katsuki "Kacchan" Bakugo, got his quirk called Explosion. It allowed his to sweat nitroglycerin and create explosion on his hands. Although tiny at first, many had boosted his ego by telling him that when he grew older he'd be one heck of a hero with a strong quirk like that. With all this boasting and boosting of his ego, Katsuki starts to see himself as amazing as others see him, and starts thinking about how there is probably no one as amazing as he is. After seeing his best friend Kacchan get a strong quirk, Izuku couldn't wait to go check what his quirk was so first thing at 5:00 am, he woke up, sprung out of his bed, ran to his door and opened it to run through the hallway to his moms room, swing that door wide open and BOOK IT to his moms bed just to hop ontop of her to wake her up.


Inko - *groaning* "Ughh- Izuku, what time is it *looks at clock* oh Izuku it's only 5 am, the appointments not for another 4 hours"

Izuku - "But mommyyyy, we have to get there as fast as possible to see my quirk" *visibly getting upset*

Inko - *gets up and puts Izuku on her lap* "Izuku baby, the quirk doctor won't go anywhere, besides we need to get you ready so go to the bathroom and brush your teeth, after I come in i'll help you with your bath and then once we eat and we are all ready we'll go to the quirk doctor, okay?"

Izuku - *Excited* "Ok mommy, lemme go get ready"

And with that, Izuku gets off his mom and goes speeding off back into the hallway and into the bathroom to go wash his teeth and start preparing for his bath. After everything is situated and they eat its 8:40, just in time for them to get in the car and start driving off to the doctor's office. As they arrive it is 8:55 and right off the bat Izuku goes charging in to the receptionist's desk to try to get his quirk checked as fast as possible.

Izuku - *Arrives to the desk* "Hello, I'm here to check my quirk! Can I check it now? Can I, can I?"

Inko - *After chasing after him* "Izuku! I told you to behave yourself ."*To the receptionist* "I'm awfully sorry about that, he gets super excited when it comes to quirks and he really wants to check out what his is, we have an appointment for Izuku Midoriya at 9:00."

Receptionist - "Gimme just one second to check for you." *Types into her computer* "Aha, yep we have 1 Izuku Midoriya for quirk examination at 9:00, the doctor will see you shortly."

Inko - "Thank you so much."

Inko then tells Izuku to sit down and wait for the doctor will eventually come to take them to get his quirk examined. Izuku complains a bit about him wanting to do it now but reluctantly obliges. After sitting for a few minutes a door is heard and a doctor comes out of the door with his note clip and calls out for the Midoriya's.

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