Chapter 4 - Fighting Back

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SHEESH, ANOTHER CHAPTER! You must be crazy! Welp its in the name im a MadMan BABY! Anyways so, this is going to be my last chapter of the day, I dont know when I'll upload again, it might be in the week, it might have to wait until the next weekend. All I know is that whenever I get the free time I'll be sure to use that time to make an amazing chapter(s) for you all to enjoy or hate on depends on what youre here for but anyways LETS GET STARTED!

So last time, I decided it was time to do a timeskip all the way until its the first day of their last year of middle school, so right when the canon begins this is where we are at now. Izuku now knows many jutsus but still keeps them hidden from everyone, has multiple uses for his eyes like using the byakugan to shut off someones quirk points(same as chakra points) or looking around and the sharingan to copy movements and have higher movement, reaction, and overall perceptive speed and abilities. Does he show this to anyone though? NOPE! Why? Because he still doesn't want anyone truly knowing how strong he is. He has gotten extremely well at hand to hand and weapon fighting and he has multiple Kunai, shuriken, and swords to train with when he wants to. Has he every fought back to anyone in the school? NOPE! Has he scared people off by turning his eyes into sharingan? YEP! Everyone knows about his weird eyes but dont exactly know what they do, they've seen his eyes turn to the clear byakugan eyes without activation and they've seen how the veins pop out when activated but they still dont know what he can do. Neither do they know about what the sharingan can do. Atleast they believe the sharingan can do something since the byakugan seems to be able to do something. But that all changes today, today he is deciding that if anything happens he doesnt need to hide what his hidden chakra abilities can do, or what he can do with his dojutsus. Izuku no longer cares on him having to hide his skills anymore since after this year he is planning on going straight to the UA hero course and graduate and become the best hero he can be. With that we now see a 15 year old, 5'8 lean and muscular dark haired teen with greenish highlights waking up after a long day of training from his last day of summer. [I made him taller in this cause he is too short for my liking in canon]

Izuku - *Waking up and groaning* "Ughh- todays going to be a long day I can feel it, man this is going to be such a drag"[Yep hes got a bit of the ol' shikamaru laziness ladies and gentleman]

Izuku gets up and goes to the bathroom to where he takes a shower and gets ready for the day. As he leaves he goes back to his room, puts all his needed books and items into his bag and goes downstairs. He puts his bag down on the couch and goes into the kitchen to where he starts on breakfast for him and his mother. After he finishes he hears footsteps coming down the stairs to which he turns around and is met with his mother so he smiles.

Izuku - "Good morning, dont worry about breakfast I made some, Im going to quickly finish mine, go back upstairs, get my much needed notebooks filled with my hero analysis and my notebooks regarding my quirk and hand signs and such and then I'll leave to school, ok mom?

Inko - "Yea sounds good Izuku, man its feels just like yesterday when you were an energetic toddler asking to go to the quirk doctor and relying on me to help you with everything but now your this amazing young man and you do everything your supposed to, man I am so proud of you and I just know that by the time my baby boy enters UA all those hero girls are going to fall for you so quickly you wont even know what to do" she exclaims full of energy.

Izuku - *Spits out his coffee* "WAIT WHAT! MOM!" he reacts to which Inko breaks out laughing

Inko - *Dying laughing* "AHAHAHA Izuku you should've seen your face ahaha, but yes you will find many beautiful girls over there looking to maybe get a piece of my little baby boy, and if you every get into a relationship with any girl or girls[cough cough] be sure not to give me any grandbabies too soon please~" she says smirking

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