Chapter 2 - Quirk Awakening

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Hello again. Again, I will have a very inconsistent posting schedule and I might be able to post maybe 2-3 chapters today, maybe more, but let's let life choose whether I can post more or not. As you can read from the title this is the chapter where little Izuku's quirk will start awakening and as you can maybe guess by the picture it starts off with the byakugan so lets get into it!

** - Action

"" - Talking

() - Inside thoughts

CAPS - Yelling/All Might

[] - Author notes :)

After their time with the quirk doctor, Izuku and Inko Midoriya stop their hugging and crying and get ready to leave the doctors office. In the back room staring through the window, the doctor is silently asking himself whether or not the eye quirk will be anything special but pushes it all aside like his master had told him. [btw for those who know who the unknown person is already should he be called master by the doctor or partner. A friend of mine brought this up when I asked him to read my story but I feel like since the doctor is below him he should be calling him master. Let me know in a comment or something.] As Inko set up Izuku in his seat and gets ready to drive them off home Izuku decides to speak up to his mom.

Izuku - "Mommy" Izuku called

Inko - *Turning on the car* "Yes honey?" Inko asked

Izuku - "I will make you proud mommy, no matter what my quirk can do I will make you proud and become the best hero I can and make sure you live a happy life!" he declared

Inko who was shocked at the overall statement but smiled, she smiled that she gave Izuku the best thing he could've asked for when asking about his quirk. She brought him hope, hope that no matter what his power could do that he will work hard to be the best hero he can be regardless of what others say. Inko then started to cry which Izuku quickly took note of.

Izuku - *concerned* "Mommy? Why are you crying? Are you alright? Did I do something wrong? Oh I am such a fail-" Izuku was cut off by his mother hugging him and smiling whilst crying.

Inko - *still sobbing* "No my baby boy you did nothing wrong, you just made mommy really happy to the point where she starting to cry happy tears. I love how much credit you give me for helping you find your hope but mommy knows that its you who will live out your dream and you who will try his best to become mommys hero. I love you so much Izuku" she finishes still crying and hugging her son to which he responds by hugging her back and starts to cry a bit too.

After the whole cryfest, not anything new for the Midoriya family, they drive on home so that they could eat and decide on what to do for the day. As they get home Izuku quickly unbuckles his seatbelt and books it to the apartment complex they live in to which Inko has to quickly get out of the car and run after her hyperactive son. As the duo arrives at the apartment, Izuku then starts to think about what exactly the doctor said about his quirk and how he might be able to use it to which he thinks briefly and comes up with an idea.

Izuku - *thinking hard* "Mommy, do you think I can use the computer to maybe search up something that might help with my quirk?" Izuku asks

Inko - *somewhat confused* "What do you mean by something that might help with your quirk? The doctor said it has something to do with your eyes so maybe itll change naturally or just randomly go off one day." Inko asks

Izuku - "Well the doctor said that I have a lot of energy seeping out of me right? He said that the main point was my eyes but that doesn't just mean that energy isn't also coming out of the rest of my body. So if I find a way to maybe channel this life energy or chaka as he said, I might be able to do many cool things not just with my eyes" Izuku says with a sparkle in his eye

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