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'Ooooh, If I could punch that frat boy dead in the face right now I damn well take the chance dumbass...' Looking over the syllabus for Mr. Thatcher's class my hands wrinkle the paper as my brain continued to plot Jackson's demise. Folding it I throw it into my bag, looking back I'm surprised that Olivia has knocked out, head against the plastic desk, her syllabus under one of her arms. She must have not realized she went down as I slip her syllabus from under her arm and folded it up.

Putting it away, Mr. Thatcher gets up to answer any questions, walking to each desk before stopping at Olivia's. Looking over at me, he bends over to whisper.

"Is everything going to be okay?" He questions worry dripping his words as he folds a hand behind his back.

"Yeah, hadn't gotten any sleep since the incident. Could you just give me her homework?" I respond, he nods understandably before turning his attention back to another student a few desks down. Surprised that worked, I look back at Olivia her arms folded in front of her. Pulling off my jacket and I carefully place it over her shoulders. Moving to turn back around, I quickly realize the golden trim of her glasses.

Shaking my head, I reach for them cautiously removing them as she moves just slightly. Folding the frames up I place them on the corner of her desk. The lesson quickly runs its course as any first day jitters fall away Mr. Thatcher reviewing the entirety of the syllabus with dates and explanations. His wild brown hair something to behold as it defies all laws of physics, and with vain as he tries to comb his fingers through it every few minutes.

Out of the corner of my eye I see one of the girls turn a bit and point. Probably at Olivia who is dead to the world by this point her auburn hair being the only thing you could see as the rest of her was pretty much dwarfed by my jacket. Every so often my eyes would draw to the clock, the time ticking as slow as malaises. If this class wasn't required, I would probably be outside with a cigarette watching the birds fly by or fixing my dad's Junker car. Something else to pass the time besides listening to all this babbly about who killed who it was starting to get on my nerves by this point.

"Alright, now for the main project as you can see on your syllabus." He digs through his desk as he talks pulling out a large box from underneath. "You will have a slideshow project at the end of the year. Within this box are two copies of different books. Whoever gets your matching pair is the person you will be working with. This project is half of your grade period. So, no trading books, no asking to change partners, no complaining. That is all I ask." Opening the top of the box several different genre's can be seen. "Now I want everyone to close their eyes and the name I call is the only one I want to step forward."

With that everyone closes their eyes, and one by one each person is called.

"Jamie Hook." Opening my eyes, I stand up and make my way through the isle. Looking into the box all the books have been turned on their fronts. "Now Jamie if you would also be so kind as to grab Olivia's as well." Nodding the knowing nod I receive back was all I needed as I close my eyes and reach in with both hands, grabbing two books before opening my eyes again.

"The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll..." I could think of some ideas, but as I go to look at what Olive got Mr. Thatcher stops me. Reaching into the box for the other copy before taking the one I had in my hand. Placing a sheet of paper within the front cover he places his finger to his lips.

Nodding, I pivot and turn back to my desk placing both the copies into my pack before closing my eyes. After a few more slow crawling minutes the bell rings and Mr. Thatcher's voice finally speaks up.

"Now all of you have your books in your bags as soon as you leave this classroom you are to find your partners and start the project." He places a hand on his desk before sitting down. "Now please be safe and take your time." With that said he motions for us to move. Turning to Olivia I shake her shoulder causing her to jolt awake. Whipping her head about in surprise her eyes finally land on me, as foggy as they were I'm always surprised that she hasn't hit a wall yet without them.

"Here." Holding her glasses to her, she takes them from me. Sliding them back onto her face she moves her hair out of her face before smiling.

"Thanks, what happened?"

"Well besides pairing for a project just normal boring school jazz." I wave my hand, standing up from my seat. Grabbing my pack and stretching. "You ready?"

"Y-yeah." She blurts out swiftly grabbing her bag from under her chair before standing. That's when she realizes it, shaking the elongated sleeve slightly. "Why am I wearing your jacket?"

"Well, you did kind of knock out during lesson, and got tired of the looks so I put my jacket over you." A partial lie but nonetheless truth. "You can give it back now." I say holding my hand out to take it. Shaking her head, she bolts passed me the tail of the coat dragging behind her.

"Nope its mine now!" She cheers moving into the bustling hallway. Cursing a smile lays on my face as I move after her.

"Get back here Olivia!" I shout after her, my voice not carrying very far thanks to the other loid conversations around us as everyone moves to their next classes.

I've known Olivia since we were about toddlers running around yelling about stupid stuff out in the backyard of her old house. Her dad always worked law enforcement as some type of detective, working on special cases for weeks on end. Her mother on the other hand worked as a bartender at the local Fire pit on the edge of town. Things changed a good two or three years later when Olivia was taken away by the local police.

Months went by before my mom explained to me what happened. During those months I had no contact with Olivia. Months became years and soon enough it was the end of middle school, the start of freshman year, and to be honest at first glance I didn't even recognize her until Mr. Thatcher did roll call that morning. Imagine my surprise when I whipped my head around to look at her, she nearly jumped out her sweater that day.

Had to in better words stalk her down to actually talk to her, she barely spoke a word to anyway the first semester. Found out she was staying with her Aunt in the old Manchester place a good backroad on the opposite side of town besides the rundown oil mill. Got to befriend her again, we didn't click like we use to but under the circumstances it was understandable. Shoot I literally skyrocketed while she sat at a good 5' foot. Which she will not admit for dear life.

Reaching next period I find her stand with her arms folded over her chest in a large smile. Shaking my head, we enter our next period I wouldn't really change anything. Well maybe one thing...

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