Percy fights Ladon

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This is my first ever fanfiction. I acknowledge that all or most of the characters that will be used in this Fanfic are owned by Rick Riordan

          Percy POV

Percy trekked through the forests heading west. He gripped low-lying branches as he hauled himself over a small boulder. He looked over the top of the boulder with a hopeful face before frowning when seeing there were forests as far as the eye can see. He groaned as he thought " How can Thalia be able to survive with the hunters like this!?! " he gripped another branch before sliding down the boulder. Suddenly he heard a rustle from in front of him Mrs. O'Leary appeared howling. ( IDK how to spell her name sorry.). Percy climbed onto her back before asking "girl can you bring me closer to Mount Tam?". She didn't say anything before lunging forwards into the shadows. Percy dropped off her before spilling his last meal on the ground. He sighed before thinking, at least I won't barf while fighting Ladon.

Percy groaned as he climbed Mount tam. Athena told him that he had to defeat Ladon for Annabeth's hand in marriage. In his mind he thought," why couldn't it be beating up Hercules or doing his 12 labours... wait I've practically done all of them. Percy finally got to the tree where the Hesperides told Percy "get away you foolish mortal! You've come here once and seen the effects of Ladon on that traitor of a huntress!". Percy just ignored them and yelled "LADON WAKE!". Ladon shook the mountain as his 100 heads rose in alarm of an intruder coming for the golden apples. Percy got readied Riptide as he prepared for a taxing battle. His mind was going over situations. Either he kills Ladon or gets killed.

Percy charged at Ladon even though it wasn't the best plan it was still a plan he thought. He dodged a shot of poison from its mouth before slashing at one of its 100 necks. It growled before snapping at him with 2 jaws as Percy backflipped from them and the 2 heads collided with a sickening crunch. Percy groaned thinking that he had to do this around 50 more times until his brain came up with an amazing idea. Monsters had to have drunk some water right? If he could just control the blood of it to just self-combust! Percy focused on Ladon's body for a split second before realizing that its body somehow didn't have any liquid in it. Percy felt the water from Francisco bay though and summoned a few gallons to form a shield around him which luckily protected him from one of its heads which almost struck him. Percy summoned the water and looked for a weak spot on Ladon. Percy saw that its body was where all of its heads were connected to so Percy formed a giant water spear that speared through its body with no mercy.

Ladon burst into a huge pile of monster dust which instantly re-formed into itself before standing guard on once again as if nothing happened. One of The Hesperides came up and sighed '' Hero you can take 2 apples... We have heard from Athena about this "quest" you are on but I don't think it's fair if you don't get something for yourself.''. Percy and the Hesperides smiled and took the 2 apples he was offered by the Hesperides. He said '' Isn't it lonely when you're trapped in this place?", She said "It isn't really a problem. We are immortals so we split our essence which means we can be at 2 places at once.". Percy said in his own famous style "Oh". She laughed "it's ok, I guessed it's time for you to leave demigod. If the sun rises here you are trapped here for the rest of the day unless a god or goddess comes and picks you up."

Suddenly the air besides Percy came together smelling like sea salts. "Dad" bowed Percy, Poseidon smiled "Thanks for telling my son about that rule, I will be teleporting out with him." Percy smiled and hugged the Hesperides before reaching out to his father's hand. Percy felt himself getting teleported to the road that led up to half-blood hill. His father motioned for him to go up the hill.

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