Chapter 11

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Percy's POV.

I prepared my 50 warriors ready for battle against the 50 hunters. I teleported us to Olympus's arena where Artemis and I built bases for our groups. I built a valley where the hunters would have to face my warriors in close combat. Artemis and I were also playing this game. As I blew the whistle which was enchanted to let every player hear and get ready for battle. I got a middle section of 20 warriors and 15 warriors on each flank.

I made them circle the flag in a semicircle pointing outwards in a V towards the start of the valley so then the hunters would have to fight them with hunting knives and swords because of their light armament while the warriors had shields and swords.

While the warriors were defending I charged ahead with my swords with Riptide in my hands. The hunters ran towards me but ran around me as Artemis ran towards me with her hunting knives ready to slash my chest. I whipped riptide to the side and dodged the blades before slashing towards her knees. She jumped forwards kicking my chest before I backflipped and rolled on the ground before jumping back onto my feet. Just in time to block a well-placed arrow that would have hit my thigh.

Artemis and I circled around each other before Artemis pounced with her 2 hunting knives in a slashing position where they would not be able to defend well and attacked me. I decided it was time to end it and slashed riptide near her throat where it broke through her defences and made her yield, I charged ahead towards the hunter's flags before the hunters could overwhelm the warriors in battle, I knew even if we had Nico on our team the hunters were much older and more experienced in battle so they would eventually overwhelm the warriors. I ran towards the hunter's flag. I grabbed the flag and ran towards my side.

I ran and ran until I reached the border where Zoe was also running towards the border. Zoe and I crossed the border at the same time then Artemis blew a horn which made all the fighters stop fighting. Nico and Thalia ran towards us and shouted "Who won?"

Percy and Artemis both smiled before saying "It was a tie".

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