Chapter 1

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Clovers tail swished left and right as her eyes were fixated on whatever was outside of the window. Her owners house was uncomfortably warm, and the air was sticky, like a summer evening. Her pelt twitched as she saw movement from in the tall grass and wildflowers that lined the houses windows. The kitty-pet leaned in, her nose twitching in curiosity. The movement became more frequent, like it was coming closer and closer to her.

A plump calico leaped from the grass and slammed into the glass. She unsheathed her claws. The polished, hot pink nails slid across the glass with an ear-splitting screech. Clover turned away and flattened her ears to her skull.

Ugh! She hissed, leaping down from the counter in which she sat on. She approached the cat door and crouched as she squeezed through it.

She approached the dazed calico with a scowl. "Cupcake! Now my humans are going to blame me for this. Do you have any idea what they'll do?"

Cupcake heaved herself up, although struggling tremendously. Clover rolled her eyes and helped the she-cat up. Once the Calico was stable, Clover continued to scold her.

"I don't want my humans making my nails look all unnatural like yours!"

"Hey!" Cupcake whined. "Susie says my nails look beautiful!"

"Susie's a six year old girl! She's not right in the brain!" Clover scowled at her owners house. "Same goes with any human." Cupcake scoffed and smoothed down her delicate fur. "Well I don't know about you but I think Susie is amazing. And her house is better than yours!" The kitty-pet added the last statement quickly in anger before stumbling off back to her owners home. Clover tried not to laugh as the very plump kitty-pet got distracted by a cat toy and completely flattened it.

Cupcake turned back to see a laughing Clover. Embarrassed, the kitty-pet ran (aka speed-walking) back inside her owners house. Clover rolled her eyes, and glanced at the flower field in front of her.

She lived on quite a small town, which was surrounded be farm lands and meadows. She and Cupcake were one of the few cats around here as many humans preferred dogs. Her owners, Hannah and Linsey—Old sisters—adopted her when she was barely weened. Oh, but what Clover wouldn't do to see her mother again! She remembers her vividly.

Her name was Alaina. She was a silver tabby just like Clover. She didn't get to name her of course, Hannah did.

So far, Clover was patiently waiting for her owners to die. The sooner the better.

There was another rustling in the grass. Oh great. Has Cupcake come back? Unfortunately for her my claws will hurt a whole lot more than her dull, hot pink nubs she calls nails.

Clover crouched, slowly approaching the noise. She had an angry scowl on her face, like she usually did. Her pawpads burned on the hot pebble path that went by all of the houses. But if it meant she got to teach her lazy friend a lesson, it was worth it. Her fur was flat as she could make it, so Cupcake wouldn't notice her. Her nose was tickled by the grass as she slowly slid in it.

Then finally, she had seen Cupcake in all of her glory (or lack of). But she looked different. This cat was more slim, more muscular. She sniffed the strange cat. It was a tom. But there weren't any toms in these parts! Just Clover and Cupcake! The tabby knew she had to investigate.

"Hey!" She snapped aggressively. The tom turned, his angry yellow eyes landing on her. He snarled and took off into the meadow. Clover was about to chase before she hesitated. What if I get lost? She frowned, and took after him anyways. My curiosity always got the better of me. Clover scolded herself, struggling to catch up with the stranger. He was fast, which is the only thing Clover could compliment him on.

He smelt.


Like dead road kill.

Maybe he ate road kill? Clover shook her head. You mustn't get distracted! But she was.

By now she was far from her home, and she was growing tired. She would never catch the stranger by now. He's trying to tire her out! In a last minute attempt, she used all of her strength left to leap on him. Her instincts made her unsheath her claws, and the tom yowled as they hooked onto his back legs. He fell with the thud and Clover was flung into the air.

Once she fell she was met with the strange cats claws as he sliced her ear. GOOD GOD THAT HURTS! She yowled loudly in pain, writhing around.

To protect herself, she started clawing at the air blindly.

After a while she had realized the tom had left her alone. She opened one eye to see that he was gone! But where, that's something she couldn't answer. She looked around, seeing that he had pushed through the grass, leaving a path for her to follow him. She couldn't find another path that would leave to home.

Feeling a pang of guilt for getting lost, she followed the path reluctantly. After a while the scent of a cat caught her attention and she quickened her pace. Then she could hear voices.

"...some stupid kitty-pet attacked me outta nowhere."

"Hah! It scared you away?"

"N-no! I barely even sliced her ear and she was on the ground yowling like some lost ki-"

Clover, unaware of how close she was to a very long drop, fell. She fell, and fell, and fell, until she stopped. On a hard, uncomfortable stone floor. The voices stopped, but the scent of cats was so strong. It was like they were standing right in front of her. She opened one eye.

They were.

She was laying down in a stone gorge that was full of cats.

The tom from before, way more visible now that he isn't covered by the grasses shade approached her with a hateful glare.

"What are you doing here kitty-pet?"

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