Chapter 2

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A short brown tabby she-cat snarled threateningly beside the tom, glancing to a cave in the mossy stone walls. She looked back up at him, then at Clover. She smirked sickeningly, circling her. Clover scampered around the gorge, trying to find her way out. The tabby she-cat followed, snapping at her heels.

"Littlestorm stop!" An annoyed cream calico hissed. Clover glared at the she-cat as she sat in front of the den from before, doing absolutely nothing to help her. Ah yes, just tell this cat who's terrorizing me for fun to just stop! I'm sure that'll work.

Clover skidded to a stop. Her muzzle bumped into the side of the gorge. Clovers snout throbbed in pain as she shook her head vigorously. She felt dizzy, and sick. While she was distracted, the tabby she-cat ran at her with full speed, her claws unsheathed and they were sharp. Very sharp. Clover cowered in front of her. The tabby was no bigger than a raccoon, but she seemed so terrifying.

The she-cat raised her paw threateningly, her claws standing out in the moonlight. Clover turned away, bracing herself for the pain.

"What's going on here?" An older voice boomed. A black and white tom pushed through the crowd of staring cats, hissing at them angrily. "Who made this mess?"

And a mess there was. Leaves were kicked up, dust got kicked into the prey pile, there were claw marks on the ground from Clover trying to run away. There was slight blood splatter where Clover had bumped her nose. She twitched it, feeling the blood run down her muzzle. She was so terrified, she could barely noticed that she was hurt.

Littlestorm immediately moved out of the way, and Clover could inspect the tom more.

He was much more older than Clover, and his white muzzle was slightly gray. His eyes were a bright hazel, although he seemed to look tired. He walked with a certain confidence, like he owned the place. Hmph. Just like Cupcake, who got me into this mess.

"Who are you? Why is your muzzle bleeding?" Clover froze as the tom sniffed her bloody muzzle. He smelt strongly of the meadow, and mice.

Clover tried hunting mice before, but that was when she was a kit and the mice weren't afraid to nip at her paws. The older tom turned to Littlestorm with a glare. "Did you do this?"

"Well- she's just a kitty-pet!" She looks down. "Shadestar."

Shadestar? Littlestorm? What kind of names are these? Clover wrinkled her nose at the two. Shadestar turned to her with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Are you ok?" Clover nodded gingerly, shooting daggers at Littlestorm. The brown tabby she-cat quietly hissed, barring her sharp teeth. "Do you know where your two-leg's den is?"

The cream calico walked up to her docilely, lowering her head slightly as though the kitty-pet earns some respect. Clover felt overwhelmed, she almost forgot that she didn't know where home was. How will I get back now? Gosh. My owners must be looking high and low for me. Y'know, if they can bend down that far. She joked to herself, coughing to hide her giggle.

"Aw. Poor thing, she got spooked." The cream calico glanced over her shoulder at Littlestorm. "My name is Honeysplash. Who are you?"

"Clover." She murmured, looking down at her paws nervously.

"Well, Clover, let's go to my den and help you with the wounds." Clover wrinkled her nose. "How? Do you have a vet around here or something?"

She stupidly looked around for a vets office, as though the small village of Anytown would appear. Honeysplash stammered, and then shook her head. "No, dear. We don't have any kitty-pet stuff here."

"What's a kitty-pet?" Clover asked. "Well, that's what we call you cats. Kitty-pets. Such a silly word, isn't it?" The older she-cat enters a cave in between two fallen rocks. Clover hesitates, before following her. In an instant a strong smell hit her like a train. The strong smell of plants and the meadow calmed her in a way. There were shelves beyond shelves of herbs, flowers, and little leaf packages oozing with honey and a red liquid.

"Wow." Clover said breathlessly. The walls were decorated with roses and vines. There was a second area where there seemed to be moss nests.

"Hah. I know. I did most of this myself, with the help of my apprentice."

"What? Did somebody call my name?!" A white and gray colorpoint she-cat ran outside of another area in the den. She was much younger than Clover, barely older than a kit. Her fur was ruffled yet shiny.

"Your name isn't Apprentice, Frostpaw." Honeysplash said rather annoyed. "What's an Apprentice?"

"Well, I can explain everything to you if you sit still and you let me help you." The older she-cat said stubbornly. Clover frowned, and gingerly walked over to a moss nest. It wasn't the most comfortable of things to sit on, but it was something at least.

Honeysplash took a herb that Clover didn't know the name of, and began to talk.

"It all started three seasons ago..."


HAHA she's gonna explain warrior stuff next chapter cause I promised I wouldn't do long chapters (in ravenflights misery, but I didn't keep my promise for long) if your wondering about the sudden ending in that book, I'm sorry. The whole reason that book exists is to build up to Ember and Ice's story arc. So far I'm trying to finish the cover for Fire and Ice Divided (clever, I know). Althooooough if you would help an old lady out and give some ideas that would be helpful?

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