Chapter 10

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It was a rainy day, and Shadestar thought it was a perfect time to go check the borders. Now, an unhappy patrol of Lynxtuft and Cloverstream walk to the unclaimed territory border. Lynxtuft had questioned Shadestar on why he wouldn't just claim the land, but the old leader calmly replied that he didn't want his warriors walking that far. The two trudged through the tall, wet grass. Cloverstream flinched every time water droplets from the grass were flicked into her eyes.

She walked behind a quiet Lynxtuft who was still upset with his confrontation with Shadestar. Cloverstream looked over his shoulder, wondering if she should say something. Twitching her tail as though it was a good luck charm, she opened her muzzle to speak:

"The weathers been nice lately." She mindlessly blurted out.

The patrol stopped. Lynxtuft turned around with a raised eyebrow. Cloverstream shrunk in her pelt slightly, her ears hot with embarrassment. The weathers been nice lately?! It's cold, rainy, and wet! Geez Clover, you'd think you'd have something smarter to say! Instead of retorting something, the tom just laughed. A real laugh. Much more kinder than he was back with Littlestorm and her. And so he continued to laugh, til he was catching his breath on the muddy meadow ground.

"Yeah!" He said through giggles. "Just a little wind, that's all!" His laughing subdued and he looked up to face an angry looking Cloverstream. "What? I'm not making fun of you or anything."

"It was funny." Lynxtuft said reassuringly. Cloverstream sighed and turned away slightly, her ears pricked as she heard rustling in the grass. She gave a look to her companion and the two took off in search of the noise. Soon enough the scent of a rabbit struck her nose. She barely gave a warning to Lynxtuft before he leaped at it. The rabbit kicked it's back legs in retaliation, scratching the toms face. Cloverstream hurried towards the tom to help him, nipping the rabbits neck to kill it.

Pushing the prey away, she bent down to look at the toms wounded face. "Are you ok?" She yelled over the loud rain. Lynxtuft groaned a yes, and Cloverstream took him and the prey back to camp.


"Your lucky it was prey and not something else." Honeysplash said as she inspected Lynxtufts wounds. They were minor, and didn't need anything done to them. But boy, did they hurt. Cloverstream sat next to him the entire time, her tail too close for comfort next to his. Frostpaw was snoring in the back, her breathing more slow and shallow. Wish I was her. Cloverstream thought annoyingly.

"I'm just surprised any prey would be out in this kind of rain." Lynxtuft glanced at the pouring rain from the medicine cats den. "At least Berrykit and Featherkit will have something to eat. All of the prey was spoiled from the rain." Honeysplash replied tiredly.

Suddenly Venomstorm walked inside. "Moth-" he stopped and looked at the two. Lynxtuft tilted his head suspiciously, while Cloverstream only nodded to him.

"I'm sorry. I'll come back later." The black tom stormed outside, his pelt getting completely drenched. Cloverstream sighed, and glanced up at Lynxtuft. For some reason. Venomstorm doesn't like Lynxtuft. I don't know why though, they would be the best of friends if they actually talked to each other.

"Well, all I think you need is some rest and a full belly. Shadestar sent out another patrol and hopefully some other unfortunate rabbit decides to leave the safety of their den." Honeysplash eagerly nudged the two warriors out of her den. Cloverstream shivered as the cold rain ran through her wispy fur and onto her pelt. Lynxtuft stood closer next to the she-cat, trying to keep her warm.

"Full belly, eh?" Lynxtuft said, trying to break the silence. Cloverstream glanced at the drenched prey pile which had already begun to smell. "Don't even think about it."

Lynxtuft laughed as she angrily lead him to the warriors den. "Get some rest. One the patrol comes back I'll get you something." She murmured, hastily leading the dark-gray tom to his un-kept nest. Cloverstream waited for him to get comfortable and begun to walk away to go sleep in her own nest, realizing that her eyelids were drooping. The sound of rain always made me fall asleep back at my humans house.

Cloverstream climbed into her nest, and begun to lower her head.

"Cloverstream?" She turned around. Lynxtuft had one paw out of his nest and his eyes were wide and nervous looking. "Goodnight. Thanks for being here I-I don't like rain storms." Cloverstream looked surprised. What an odd thing to say?

"Your welcome." I wasn't even doing it for you, mouse-brain. She thought stubbornly, turning around again, resting her head.

During the night, the storms had only gotten worse. Leaves blew everywhere, and the thunder was louder than a monsters roar. Cloverstream woke up after a wet leaf slapped her in the face, and she woke up in a hurry. Looking around, she saw that every warrior was asleep, probably trying to wait out the storm. She glanced at Lynxtufts nest. He was missing. Great Starclan he must have gotten so scared that

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