Chapter 4

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"Do you now?" Venomstorm walked into the medicine den threateningly. Clover turned to the black tom and scowled at him angrily. Honeysplash gave the tom a threatening glare. He glanced at her, then back at the kitty-pet without changing his behavior.

"Yes. I'm going to prove to all of you that I can do it." Clover stood triumphantly, puffing out her silver tabby fur to make her seem more threateningly.

"Then do so," Venomstorms words were laced with poison, and hate. "A true warrior would fight any competition-"

"Venomstorm stop Shadestar will find out about this and he won't like it." Honeysplash stood inbetween the two as the young cats threateningly took a closer step to each other. "Oh shut up! I don't care what that old bat thinks."

Venomstorm spat rudely, lashing his slender tail in annoyance. He looked back at Clover, narrowing his eyes. "We will fight and see if you really belong here." Clover raised her head in approval. Venomstorm turned to leave the medicine den, and looked back.

"Who knows," he shrugged. "Maybe I'll chase you back to your two-legs den." Clover yowled, leaping at the tom. She battled into him, throwing the both of them out of the medicine den. Clover raised her claw to attack once again, but the tom had bit down on her leg. She screeched in pain as blood poured from the wound. Using her other claw, she scraped a wound into Venomstorms tall ear. He barely even flinched as he shoved her off of him using his back paws. Once Clover fell to the ground, she stopped for a while to shake the dizziness away. Her stomach was stinging with pain.

"Stop this!" Yowled a stern voice. A tall, but muscular dark gray she-cat stopped towards the two. Clover could only stare in fear at her. The she-cats pelt was well groomed, but previous wounds could be seen standing out from her dark pelt. Her ears were tall, like Venomstorms, but more battered and torn.

"Hey, Venomkit! Stop fighting with a cat who can barely fight. What will you do next? Pick a fight with Featherkit? Berrykit? What about Shadestar, that might sooth your ego, wouldn't it?!" Clover glared at Venomstorm, only to see pure fear in his eyes. The gray she-cat suddenly turned to her with the same angry glance.

"And you. You should be lucky he didn't kill you!"

"Stormchaser it's fine. Let me deal with this." Shadestar mewed from a stone ledge. It had a den above it, and below it. The den under the ledge was where Honeysplash was, while the other den seemed to be Shadestars. Clover looked down in shame.

"I'm sorry sir, I was just trying to prove myself." She murmured.

"Prove yourself? By getting you or my warrior killed?!" Shadestar groaned and closed his eyes. Honeysplash and Frostpaw watched from the medicine den in worry for their new friend. The leader slowly opened his eyes, and calmly spoke to the kitty-pet.

"If you want to be one of us," Shadestar explained calmly. "then so be it."

"WHAT!?" Venomstorm yowled in retaliation. His tail twitched angrily at the kitty-pet. "She can barely fight let alone hunt! Even I could kill a mouse without my claws!"

Shadestar twitched his nose. Looking at Venomstorm, then at Clover. He thought for a while, curling his tail around his paws. Clover watched in confusion at the leader, waiting for him to say something. Suddenly a mischievous grin slowly grew on the old toms face, and he nodded in satisfaction as though some cat gave him a wonderful idea.

"Hm. Yes, yes. This might work." He muttered. Venomstorm looked even more upset, equally confused by his leaders mutterings.

"If you think your such a great warrior," Shadestar raised his chin. "Then you will help train this kitty-pet."

"WHAT?!" Screamed Clover.

"WHAT?!" Screeched Venomstorm.

The two young cats glared at each other threateningly. "There is no way that I'm training that-"

"There's no way I'm getting trained by a cat who's ego is bigger than their ears!" Clover retaliated. Venomstorm spat on her, uncomfortably flicking his ears in embarrassment. Sure, the tom had big ears but you didn't have to point it out! Clover smirked at him and looked back up at Shadestar. Yes, she'd have to deal with that big lump of clay but at least she'd have the joy of ruining his day.

"Hah! Venomstorm got stuck with the fat kitty-pe- oof!" Sneered a light ginger kit, getting bopped on the head by a gray-and-brown tabby she-cat. The tom rubbed his head painfully while his mother glared down at him. A gray she-cat—who Clover guessed as his sister—started laughing.

"Berrykit, Featherkit, hush!" The family sat in front of a den made up of two bushes facing outward from each other like open fence gates. There was a dome made up of leaves, twigs, and vines that kept whoever was inside dry from rain. It seemed like a comfy place to be.

Clover smiled and waved her tail at the mother cat, who only gave her an annoyed look.

"Well," Shadestar jumped off of the ledge with a quiet thud. "It's is decided then. Venomstorm is training Clover, and it starts tomorrow."


So far I think I've ended two chapters with a quote. That is the exact reason why my dad had to rewrite his book when he gave it to someone to proof-read.

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