Chapter 11

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Cloverleaf found Stormchaser fighting off Bee as the fox kept running. It knows where the camp was. Cloverleaf ran after the fox as Littlestorm helped Stormchaser. She grabbed the foxes tail. It helped, turning around. She hissed and bristled her fur, hoping it made her look bigger and scare the fox away. It threw her to the side of a tree. She hissed, sitting back up and leaped at its muzzle. She clawed it's eyes, backing up quickly up a tree. The fox looked around, sniffing for her. Her heart beated quickly, her head racing. She could barely hear. Would this be the end? She quietly leaped off the branch, landing on its back and grabbing its scruff. The fox threw her around until she fell off, with a tuft of fur and blood in her jaws. She dropped it and ran. She saw Featherkit and Berrykit having their apprentice ceremony. Every cat looked up and stared at her. "My goodness! Cloverleaf what happened?" Asked Frostpaw, who quickly went into the medicine den for herbs. "It" Cloverleaf was out of breath. She collapsed onto the ground and cats gasped. Littlestorm and Stormchaser came back just as bloody. Lynx stepped out of the crowd, helping Cloverleaf up. "Bee...she was leading the fox here. Littlestorm and Stormchaser fought her and...won?" Stormchaser shook her head. "Bee ran off. Coward."

Cats snarled, and some commented how they wernt surprised. "She was always a bit rude..." mewed Berrykit, now berry paw. Featherpaw stepped up. "I saw her putting death berry seeds in a ball of tall grass. She fed it to the prey." Lynx's fur bristled. "How clever." He helped cloverleaf into the medicine den as the rest discussed what to do. "Will she be ok?" He mewed worriedly. Honeysplash began cleaning her wounds, ignoring the Tom. "You'll be fine, Cloverleaf." She brushed her tail on the wounded she-cats back. "I think you should just leave, lynx. Come back when I'm done taking care of her wounds." Lynx nodded, giving Cloverleaf a worried smile as he walked away. Cloverleaf rested her head on her paws. "What did we do to make bee so...angry?" She asked. Honeysplash sighed, giving the she-cat some poppy seeds. "That's just how rogues are. They arnt trust worthy anyways. I don't know what Shadestar was thinking." Cloverleaf joked to herself. She sounds a LOT like Snakebite. She sighed, looking at Lynx. "Well I trust Lynx." She purred in amusement as Honeysplash gave her a cold glare.

"What?" She asked, a little surprised at the she's anger. Usually she's so calm, and kind. "You know while your over the MOON for this 'lynx', Snakebite talks about you everyday!? And you broke his heart when you stop talking to him! You don't even care! It would be BETTER if lynx left." She snapped, her tail lashing in anger. Cloverleaf looked at snakebite, her ears felt hot in embarrassment. She quickly tried to change the subject. "Your lying. Can lynx come in now?" Honeysplash sighed, rolling her eyes and padding over to lynx, murmuring something in his ear. Cloverleaf smiled warmly as the Tom came over with a thrush. "I thought you might want this." He placed it at her paws. She pulled the bird closer to her. "Thank you, lynx." The Tom nodded, purring happily. "Your welcome, Cloverleaf." She rested her head on his shoulder as the Tom sighed. He looked outside to see bee sneaking in with numerous scars on her back. She padded over to him. Cloverleaf pretended to be asleep as the two talked. "What we're you THINKING?!" He hissed quietly. Bee scoffed and lashed her tail angrily. "I only did what you asked!" Cloverleaf raised her ear. Did he ask her to bring the fox into camp?... "Well you didn't do a good job of it! All you had to do is bring a fox into camp and we'd get the others in by now." Bee glared at Cloverleaf, hatred shining in her eyes. "Well you were so Busy swooning over THIS She-cat!"

Lynx defensively wrapped his tail around the 'sleeping' she. "Well I was hoping that...when the plan succeeds she'd come with us." He murmured, smiling warmly at her. Bee pointed to cloverleaf. "HER?! HER?! WHAT ABOUT ME?!" Lynx looked surprised. "What about you?" Bee had tears in her eyes. "You told me you liked me. When you asked ME to leave with you. Did you forget all that?" She whispered, her voice cracking. "Yes. Yes I did because it never happened." Lynx snarled. Cloverleaf's heart dropped, pitying bee. Is this how I end up as? A she-cat being tricked into thinking lynx loves me? But he said he does... She thought. Her head was spinning. She didn't know what to do, she wished she could sit up and slash his muzzle. "Just try plan B. I'll get the leader alone and YOU help me kill him." Lynx rolled his eyes, shooing the she-cat away and rested his head with Cloverleaf's. Bee scoffed, clearly in pain. "I don't want to help you. Neither does Bella, not after what you did to otter." She backed away, shaking her head. "Kill him on your own, I'm done." She ran off quickly before any cat noticed. Cloverleaf was afraid. What did Lynx do?...

(Again, small chapter, and there's a lot of stuff you don't understand but I promise it will all be explained in the next chapter!)

The Unexpected Path of a Kitty-petOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz