Chapter 17

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Cloverleaf woke up, breathing heavily. She looked around. Dawnclaw was right, everybody was asleep. She shot up and leaped off the hay bale. She turned to look at lynx. I'll miss you. She sighed heavily, looking around the barn. But I won't miss you. Cloverleaf leaped on a windowsill and squeezed out of a small hole in the window. She fell face-flat on the grass.

She scoffed, picking herself up and ran to the trees. Now which direction is the camp? She looked around, the smell of flowers was strong. I must be near the meadow! She walked over twigs and dead leaves, hearing noises in the barn. Lynx woke up, and was alerting the others. She pinned her ears to her head, and ran.

As she ran, a series of thoughts flew into her head. Would they take her back? Does Snakebite hate her? Is everybody safe? Did anybody die? She shook her head. She could answer any of those until she found Meadowclan. She passed the sandy hollow, smiling to herself. She was closer to camp, maybe a few tail-lengths away. She stopped running, out of breath. She sighed and sat down beside a bush.

She cleaned her fur for it has been weeks since she'd had clean it. She yawned, feeling rather tired. A nap won't hurt me. She rested her head on her paws, slowly drifting into sleep. She heard a twig break, raising one ear to listen. Footsteps. She pretended to be asleep, rolling over so she could get a look at whoever was there.

She opened her eyes to see a jet-black Tom staring at her with confused, worried eyes. "Snakebite?" She gasped, shooting up and ran over to him. Snakebite backed away as she tried to nuzzle the warrior. What was wrong? Didn't he miss her? Or does he hate me? She frowned at him, backing away as well. "What are you doing here? I thought you ran away with that rogue." Snakebite spat at her. Cloverleaf sighed sadly. "I ran away from them. Starclan told me so." Snakebite laughed at her response, kicking up the dirt as he circled her. "Oh yeah? Who from starclan then?"

"Dawnclaw. Your sister." She mewed softly. She waited for him to reply, but he said nothing. Staring at her for a long time. "Well I don't think Shadestar would let you back in. Go away. Run back to Lynx and spend the rest of your life happy with him." He snarled, making the she-cat wince at how angry he was. "I-I can't."

"Why not? You easily ran a few moons ago. Just leave me alone."

"No! Snakebite I need your help."

"And why's that?"

"I'm expecting lynx's kits."

Snakebite stared at her for a long time, walking closer next to her. "Well he'll be looking for you." Cloverleaf chuckled sadly, sniffling. "I didn't tell him. I cant go back, Snakebite." Snakebite wrapped his tail around the crying she-cat, licking her ear. "I'm so sorry Cloverleaf. Let's head back to camp, I'll try to persuade Shadestar to let you come back."

Cloverleaf smiled warmly at Snakebite. "Thank you. For everything." Snakebite chuckled, his ears feeling hot. "It's nothing. Now cmon, let's go!"

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