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Days went by that seemed like forever. I haven't spoken to anyone since my little incident. I don't answer any calls I just text people back emotionless. The only person I text is ashton. me and him have been getting along really quickly. I can't lie he's really sweet. wouldn't mind dating him. I haven't felt anything for days. I feel numb, like the world is moving but I'm stuck in place. I've been at Luke's house for 4 days and has never said a word to him. he has hidden all the knifes in his house so I wouldn't cut, threw away All the matches so I wouldn't burn my self. He has been leaving for long periods of time and asked his brother Ben to watch me when he left. When Ben falls asleep I would sneak around and look for the knifes. This kid wasn't smart. he put all of then in a box and tried to put them on the top shelf thinking that I couldn't reach them. I would get on a chair grab them and lock my self in the bathroom. 18... 18 for every year I've been alive on this god forsaken planet. to make it worse my best friend hates me.
Maria hasn't texted or called me since the last time she saw me so I knew she hated me. Does it really matter anymore? She dosent care. Fuck her. She's mad at me because I'm fucking depressed?! She has no idea what it feel like to be this way. she has no fucking idea what it's like to be hated, unwanted, fat, and down right a disappointment. Shes got her perfect little life with her perfect little family and her perfect little boyfriend.
Speaking of him, I can hear him screaming on the phone. it has to be maria because I can hear him yelling about my trip to the hospital. nice job alyssa. they are arguing all because you had to be a dumb fuck worthless little bitch that can't do anything right. luke walks into his room to see me crying again.
" I can make some pancakes if you want some?" He says breaking the silence. I shake my head and say nothing.
" Cmon alyssa. you have been here 4 days and haven't eaten once. you have to eat something this is not healthy."
I just look at him with a blank expression and he gives up. he turns around to walk out of the room.
" Oh and get dressed. ashton told me that you were getting your surprise today."
I don't move.
" Now alyssa!"
I flinch at his tone then get up to go get dressed. im really not in the mood for any of this shit right now.
Today is the day. I can't wait to see the look on that little cheating bitches face. I wouldn't dislike him so much if he wasn't such an ass hole. He's cheating on her and it just makes me sick. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he knows what my song was for.
" You are just making it worse! You stormed out on her and now she thinks you hate her!" I scream down the phone.
" What the fuck did you want me to do?! Sit there and act like everything is okay?!"
We have been at this for a while. it kills me to see them like this.they are best friends. They shouldn't be ignoring each other like this.
" Babe can you just relax for a second?"
" You want me to relax!? Oh yea lets just relax and watch my best friend try to kill her self."
Why is she so angry at me? Because I knew and she didn't? It's not my fault.
" Maria I'm going to tell you something alright? About a week ago I rushed her to the hospital because she tried to kill her self."
There was a dead silence. she didn't say anything just breathed. finally she spoke.
" You didn't tell me?" she whispers then starts to scream
" My best friend tried to kill herself and you didn't fucking tell me?"
"She didn't want you to know. I was just trying to prevent this."
" Fuck you!"
She screams then hangs up the phone. I stare at it for a minute then it vibrates.
ASHTON: hey can you do me a favor and bring alyssa to my house? Tell her I have her surprise for her.
I text back okay then head upstairs to my room. she's sitting on my bed crying to her self. I offer her food and again she refuses. She hasn't eaten and it's really scaring me. I tell her to get ready and she just stays there.
" Now alyssa!" she jumps a bit then slowly gets dressed. I hate raising my voice at her but it's the only way I can get her go move. I leave and wait till she drags her feet down stairs. She looks so unhappy. I give her a smile and she just looks down. Her eyes have become dark, her skin has lost color, her reflexes are slow. it's like she dosent feel anything. We get in the car and drive to Ashton's house. No body is outside so I call him.
" hey umm no ones here."
" We're in the garage. tell her to wait and you come in the garage."
I hang up the phone and tell her to wait here and I go into the garage. ashton , Calum and Michael are all set up with there guitars and the drums in the back. Ash and cal look excited but Mike looks angry. whats wrong with him?
" hey luke can you to me a favor and play the drums." ashton begs.
we have been practicing for hours for like 5 days. I feel ready so I agree. I get behind the drums and ashton goes to lift up the garage door. when she sees us her face turns from pale to scarlet really quick. She looks shocked and blushing at the same time. nice to know someone makes her smile.
" Wait here I'm going to go inside and check something." luke commands me.
I nod and he walks into the garage. I can hear mumbling in the garage but before I could walk in to find out what was going on the garage door lifts open. I can see Mike and cal with guitars ash with a guitar and a mic and luke on... Drums? I was so confused I thought ashton was the drummer.
Ashton looks back at luke and gives him a smirk.
" This ones for you." he says pointing at me.
he counts down the 1 and they start playing.
Song: ( if you already know the song you can skip a few pages. )
" you got a boy friend and he's a total loser
All your friends tell you that he's got no future
But they like me
Just saying
He barley takes you out and if he does he's late
And when the check comes he always makes you pay
I'd never do that
Just saying
Chorus: all
You should leave him cause it really makes me sick
Just saying
Just saying
You don't need him I'll help you get over it
Just saying
Just saying
When you change your mind I'll be waiting
Cause I'm better then him
Just saying
When you change your mind I'll be waiting ( just saying )
He's got a big house
Says he lives alone
But when it drove by I could see his mom was home
I got my own place
Just saying
He says he loves you
But it's all an act he's seeing some one else right behind your back
You know I'd never do that
Just saying
Chorus: all
You should leave him cause it really makes me sick
Just saying
Just saying
You don't need him I'll help you get over it
Just saying
Just saying
When you change your mind I'll be waiting
Cause I'm better then him
Just saying
When you change your mind I'll be waiting
Just saying
just saying x2
* end *
I'm literally lost for words. they sound so great. I run ip to them and give them all hugs. First I give ashton a hug and kiss him on the cheek. I give Michael a hug and play with his green hair. I give Calum a hug and squeez his cheeks. I finally give luke a hug, squeeze him tight and give him a look that says I'm sorry. I walk back in front of ashton and give him another hug.
He just looks at me and smiles .
" Well what did you think of you surprise? "
The song was for me but it didn't really make any sense. I didn't have a boyfriend. what was he talking about. now for the first time in forever ( frozen in the bitch XD) I speak.
" I loved it." luke looks shocked that I spoke
" Just one question who's my boyfriend?" His face glows red with embarrassment. As he points to luke.
" Him..." he whispers embarrassed.
Me and Luke look at eachother wide eyed. cal and Mike look shocked, and ashton looks confused.
Did he really believe that luke was my boyfriend? Umm no. Never. I mean I'm not going to lie he's hot but he's with maria, and he's my best friend. it would have never happened.
" Luke I'm sorry but when I saw you kiss maria you made me so angry."
Mind blown. He honestly thinks me and Luke are dating.
Luke sits there shocked.
" Ash. me and Luke aren't together. the girl he kissed was this bitch named maria right? It better be or I will kick his ass. But anyway that's his girlfriend."
I can't help but laugh. He's face turns bright red when I said that was his girlfriend.
" Oh. well now I just feel ridiculous. And why is she a bitch?"
I look at luke and he has a shocked look on my face about what I just said. yeah I called his girlfriend, my so called best friend a bitch.
I just shook my head.
" never mind. anyway I thought it was cute. but one question. is this your way of trying to ask me out."
I say to him with a smirk on my face. He simply looks at me and nods his head. my face pulls into a shy smile. I can feel the red flood my cheeks and my eyes start to water a bit. I looked down at his lips he looks at mine. then he bit his lip, leaned in and I lost it. Without hesitation I pull him in and our lips crash. I can feel the firework all through my body. my hands find there way into his hair as his find there way to my waist. I can hear the boys in the back being obnoxious, making noise with the drums and the guitar, but we didn't stop. I could feel him smile on my lips then went back to kissing them. he licked my bottom lip and I granted access. he pulled me in tighter till he couldn't pull anymore. we finally broke apart to breath and his eyes burned into mine.
" Wait so was that a yes?" He nervously questions me out of breath.
I nod my head and peck him on the lips. it was official. He was my boyfriend. again he's wearing long sleeves. in a thousand degree weather. Before I had the chance to ask him why. Michael says good bye and walks out the door.
" never mind. Anyway I thought it was cute. but one question. is this your way of trying to ask me out." She says with the most adorable smile on her face. she was beautiful. They both kiss but I couldn't watch. I had to look away. but why? I've seen ashton kiss a girl before so I couldn't be disgusted that they kissed. but something inside me couldn't watch them go on. after a bit Calum taps my shoulder and I look at him.
" Mike you straight? " he questions me concerned.
" Yea I'm fine. I gotta go. see ya."
With that I said my good byes and walked out with my guitar. What's up with me? I've never been like this before. when ashton asked me to play in his song said yes but something inside me wanted to scream no. was I jealous of him? Was I jealous that he has her and I don't? No way. I wasn't the jealous type. I can hear Calum call after me.
" Mike Wait up."
" What?"
" What's wrong with you? You seem angry?"
I tell him I'm fine but he dosent buy it.
" Fine then let's go back inside and chill."
" And watch them two suck each others faces off? Hell no." I say wth a bit of annoyance in my voice. Calum smirks at me.
" Is this jealousy I hear?" He says like a smart ass. me jealous no way... maybe
" Me jealous? Yea no. if she wants to be with him then fuck it I don't care." I can feel my face getting red.
" Dude your so jealous. I can see it in your face. why are you jealous though." he says to me.
Alright maybe I am jealous but it will blow over. I've been jealous before and I got over her. but I've never been this jealous of anyone before.
That number keeps playing in my head. My best friend had 39 over all scars in counting. I was determined to know why. Me and Luke have been arguing over her for the past few days. I don't like arguing with my baby but he just makes me so angry sometimes. I hear my front door open and I instantly close my door. I know it's Luke but I don't want to Talk to him.
" Baby please open the door." he softly says to me.
" What do you want?" I respond coldly.
" Baby please I just need to see you."
I get up from my bed and and open the door to see him standing there. His blue eyes I could get lost in, his soft blonde hair I want to run my fingers through, and his lip piercing I just wanted to bite. He grabs me by my wrist and drags me down stairs.
" There's some one waiting for you out side." He says to me with an adorable smile. like a dumb ass I actually think someone is out there but when I went out side all I could see was a giant teddy bear Sitting on the curb. I turn to see luke looking down biting his lip in nervousness.
" Do you like it?" He questions me.
Ugh I swear. I can never be mad at this loser as long as I can see his face. It's like he dosent even have to say sorry and I already forgive him. I run up to him, jump on him and squeeze him in a tight hug. he's surprised at first then quickly hugs me back.
" Sweet heart I'm sorry."
" I know baby. it's okay."
He just looks up at me and smiles.
" I love you."
" I love you more." I respond. he puts me down, we go get the teddy bear and go inside. he tells me everything that happened with alyssa today and I flip.
"Wait she has a boyfriend now? And it's the drummer? Oh my god I need to talk to her like now."
Oh my god it's finally happening. My best friend has a boyfriend. he better treat her right or I will kill him.
" Umm babe that might not be such a good idea." He says with a nervous look on his face.
" Any why not?" I ask him with a bit of annoyance in my voice.
" Umm she dosent want to talk to you. she called you a bitch."
My own bestfriend called me a bitch? At first I don't believe him so I call her.
" Alyssa?"
" What the fuck do you want?"
Hey guyssssssssssss. how's lifee? I just had to put the video of my four favorite idiots. Anyway nothing really big in this chapter but can anyone say tension! Calling other people the - B - word. ^o^ lol. anyway. tell me what you think. Will Mike get over his jealousy? will maria and alyssa make up?
Love~ alyssa irwin ❤️

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