Come back to me

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Three years later
" Gr, where are my two little monsters?" I walk through the front door hunched over pretending to be a monster.
" daddy!" Amanda and Ashton jr both shout before they run up to me and give me a hug.
" daddy me and sissy made dis for mamas birfday morrow." Junior says. It was a rainbow that said, and I quote " we luv u mum" with what seems to be stars. They were so adorable.
" she will love it guys, are you ready to go swimming with auntie Maria and uncle Luke?"
" mhm," they says at the same times while Amanda put the picture I her bag, " daddy daddy friend mason gon play?" Amanda asks.
" yes sweet heart you and mason and your brother can play in the water. Where's mum?"
They both point upstairs.
" uhstairs in da room. " I ruffle her curls which will probably make alyssa mad cause she worked so hard to tame them. Amanda's curls were so soft but almost always all over the place. She had thick dark brown curly hair like her mum a nose like her mum and very light freckles that were barley noticeable. Her eyes though we're a light brown from me and ALYSSAS color mixed together. She looked like her mom so much. As for Ashton jr he had light brown hair like mine and his eyes were hazel with little green specs like mine. I would catch him playing with my bandanas and my drum sticks. I head upstairs to our room expecting to find my wife looking at herself in the mirror getting ready. I opened the door but she wasn't there, her bag was at the door but she was no where to be found. I saw the door to the bathroom was closed to I rushed to it. Surprisingly it was unlocked which was comforting because she would have locked it if she was doing what I thought she was. I find her on the floor with a black crop top that had my nickname on it that she made, red high waisted shorts all black converse, her hair in a side braid that I will never understand how to do and a red bandana tied like a head band. Her shirt showed her belly ring. She is still beautiful to me everyday. She was sitting on the floor gasping for air obviously in the middle of a panic attack.
" hey hey hey look at me concentrate on me."
she looked at me crying trying to catch her breath.
" copy me okay babe? In and out in then out." I repeat taking deep breaths as she copied me and relaxed her breathing. She calms down and I wipe the mascara off of her face.
" what happened babe?"
" we are going to the same lake I lost my sister in and I'm just scared that - that - that aman-," she stutters her breath hitching again.
" hey it's okay everything is going to be fine okay?"
" ash I - I can't - breath." She says looking down.
" yea you can princess okay close your eyes focus on my voice just listen to me." She finally calms down and wipes her face clean.
" what a mess." She giggles.
" the most fabulous mess I have ever seen. "
She cringes at my cheesiness and I help her up.
" oh great now I have to do my mascara over again."
" ooo babe can I do it?" I ask grabbing the mascara from her.
" absolutely not." She says taking it from me and turning around looking in the mirror as she starts to put make up on her face. I hug her from behind and stay there admiring the way she puts on mascara and adoring the faces she make forgetting that I'm watching. She makes it impossible not to fall in love with her.
" absolutely not." I giggle taking the mascara away from Ashton and turn around to put it on my self. He comes up from behind me and wraps me In a hug while burring his head in the croak of my neck. Even after 3 and a half years he still finds new ways to make me smile. When I was done I centered my bandana, well it was Ashton's but I stole it from him, then turned around to be lifted up and sat down on the counter. He stood I between my legs with his arms around my waist and mine around his neck getting lost in his hair. He smiles at me and kissed me.
" I love you princess."
" I love you too dork." We were interrupted by the sound of a thud and Ashton jr screaming in pain.we ran downstairs and saw him on the floor with Amanda towering over him. I tried to ask her what happens nicely but she wouldn't cooperate. Time to play bad cop.
" Amanda Jennifer Irwin ( styles 😂 ) you tell me what happened right now or we are staying home.".
" I pushed my broder cause he take my toy."
Ashton was helping our son get up and checking if he was hurt.
" Mandy sweet heart you can't push your brother like that. If he takes your toy then you ask for it and if he dosent give it to you then you either tell me or dad okay?"
She nods her head yes.
" now apologize to your brother and give him a hug."
She says sorry and and giver her brother a hug. We all happened to be matching today. We are all wearing red and black. The kids were in their bathing suits and I had mine packed in a bag we get into the car and drive to the lake it shouldn't be so bad right?
I was watching my daughter play with 2 year olds mason while my son was splashing around in the water with his father. Maria and Luke were in the water ' swimming ' I watched as Luke came from under the water and had Maria on his shoulders. They were like couples goals to the max. Ashton looks at them then looks at me and mouths, " we can do that." ( A/N if anyone has seen the video to night changes you understand why this is funny )
He takes ash jr out of the water and runs up to me slinging me over his shoulder. Maria and Luke get out of the water to go relax.
" no no no no no we are not doing that."
" oh yes we are." He brings me into the water where it's like waist deep and it's freezing. Oh I'm going to kill him. He goes under water and attempts to lift me up but I'm flailing too much and accidentally kick him in his stomach.
" oh my god baby I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to kick you."
" it's okay babe." He giggles and kisses my cheek.
" Alyssa Ashton!" I hear Maria scream panicked. We turn to her worried.
" what Maria what happened?"
" they're gone all three of them."
" what who's gone?"
" the kids, Amanda mason Ashton all of them."
I start to panic. I took my eyes off of them for one second and boom they are gone.
" okay okay don't panic I'm sure they just wondered off or something." Ashton says trying to calm me down before I have another panic attack. We spread out and start looking. I walk further down the trail to see if they wondered that way. I see a deer off the trail and hear faint ' wows ' coming from the other side of the deer I rush over scared the deer away and grabbed the two boys.
" mason, Ashton baby you scared us half to death. You can't just leave like that okay? Ash baby where is your sister?"
" sissy went to play wif da buttafly." He says pointing to where she is. I see her and run up to her.
" Amanda baby you and your friends can't just leave without either telling me daddy uncle or auntie okay. What were you doing out here?"
" look mommy dis buttafly look like dis one." She says pointing to the butterfly tattoo I had on my wrist. I giggled at her and how beautiful she was. The look in her eyes was priceless. I brought them back to where we were and Luke and Maria basically squeezed the life out of their son. Ashton hugged both of them. They bother gestured for Ashton to lean down so they could whisper to him. He looked up at me the looked at them then nodded. Amanda went into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper. They both opened it at the same time and said," sorwy for wunning away mum, happy birfday." My eyes start to tear up.
" thank you guys I love it." I give them a hug and kisses their cheeks.
" daddy has one for you too mum. "
Ashton looks at his daughter and she covers her mouth forgetting she wasn't suppose to say anything.
" oops sorwy." She apologizes them goes back to playing with the boys.
" well I was going to wait till tomorrow morning to give this to you but I guess the cats out of the bag. Happy birthday princess." He says handing me and envelope. I open it up and it's too tickets to my favorite band. 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER!!!! They extended their name a few years ago but I still love them. Omg I couldn't believe this. I was really going to their concert, and it was tomorrow here in my home town. Could this get any better?
" I believe it can." Ashton says obviously hearing my thought and pulled me into a kiss.
" now you and Maria can finally go to their concert."
" what about you I mean you bought them you don't want to go see them?"
" maybe another time. " she says. After another hour or so we say out good byes and Maria comes to stay over my place.
" Brooke said she will be glad to babysit the three little monsters while we are at the concert."
" oh I was going to ask Luke."
" he's umm busy that days so Brooke will take them."
" okay well we better get some sleep yeah?" With that me and ash went upstairs to our room we put the kids to sleep and Maria slept in the Guest room. I'm so excited.
" mum I do not want to go to auntie bwooke house."
" I know baby but it's just for today okay?" They nod okay and me and Maria drive to the concert. We went to our section and waited for another two hours.
HUBBY❤️: how's the wait?
ME: it's worth it.
HUBBY❤️: trust me it is.
The announcer finally announced that they were going to play and every single person lost their fucking mind. I wasn't going to lie i was pretty stoked too but I didn't show it. As usual the thin black sheet was up so you could only hear them. Maria keeps looking at me I'm guessing to see how long I can last without totally freaking out.
" how are we doing out here tonight?!" The boys from behind the curtain screams. Everyone including me screams.
" alright this song is new to everyone but I wrote this a few years back let's see how you guys like it!"
Me and Maria were In the very front to the point if we were any closer we might as well be on stage with them.
" ARE...YOU...READY!?!?" They scream.
The crowd screams yes and start chanting 5sos. The song starts and my heart drops.
" you got a boyfriend and he's a total loser all your friend tell you that he's got no future but they like me." Curtain drops." Just saying. "
HOLY FUCKING JESUS CHRIST NIPPLES. MY HUSBAND IS THE DRUMMER IN MY FAVORITE BAND! When the curtain drops all the fans go wild. This is the first time we have seen them. Well they. I look at their faces and realize that it's not just Ashton. It's Luke calum and Michael. How it's this even possible right now? Maria is just looking at me laughing.
" did you know about this?"
" yup."
When the song was over Ashton looked at me then told the security guard to take me and Maria out of the crowd and bring us on stage. Maria runs to Luke and I run to Ashton and kiss him.
" you're not mad?" He attempt to ask between kisses.
" no I'm furious but to be totally honest you look so hot on stage at the moment so I just had to."
" well- umm -babe - we still have a concert going on." I look at the crowd who is dead silent now. Oh shit.
" hey guys. I bet your wondering who are these two random people that just came on stage so this lovely lady here is my wife alyssa."
" and this one is my wife Maria." Luke says while he kisses her on the nose. I'm ready to pass out.
" happy birthday babe." He says then kisses me.
" wait so you're telling me that when you had to leave for Australia you were being tested to be in this band? And that Mike cal and Luke all knew eachother but never told you?"
" basically. And all the vacations we took was just my way of taking you on tour but not telling you it was a tour. I wanted to tell you but I didnt Want to blow the bands cover but I decided fuck it why not, you're not mad right?"
" of course not I love you. But if any of these litters groupies decide to act up they might end up in the hospital, just saying."
We head back to the dressing room when I get a text from Brooke.
BROOKE💖: you and Ashton need to come home like yesterday.
Hey guys well this is the end of the book finally lord Jesus it's only took 5 ever. Well I'm pretty sure the ending was expected but hey who cares. School starts in 2 days someone shoot me. But it's w.e anyway for the people that are wondering * cough * Maria * cough *... YES THERE WILL BE A SEQUAL...but I'm not sure when sorryyyyyy 😳. Anyways Imma need you guys to read my friend fan fic book about her and Luke hemming Maria_M_Bands so if you could do that its would be amaze balls. But guys had a lot of fun writing this hope you enjoyed this and will enjoy the SEQUAL. Vid made me laugh so I just felt like sharing

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