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" Ugh alyssa you actually told Maria? You know how she feels about other girls. did you tell her she was my ex?"
I nod.
" Ugh are you fucking serious? Are you just trying to get us to argue? Thanks a lot. I thought we were suppose to be friends."
I sit on the bed with a sorry look on my face. Maria races upstairs and burst into the room.
" What's all the yelling about?" She comes in laughing but instantly turns serious when she sees Luke angry and my on the brink of crying. Luke stands up and rushes out the room attempting to take Maria with him.
" cmon were leaving."
" No you wait in the car."
He huffs and puffs and storms out rolling his eyes.
" Okay what the hell just happened?"
" Nothing everything is perfectly fine."
" Don't you dare lie to me what happened."
" Nothing were fine," I get up to walk out of the room but she grabs my arm," you know what why don't you just go make Luke feel better by kissing him to death and ignore me like you usually do. After all, I just love being ignored by the people I care about."
I barley choke out the last part without crying. I hate blowing up on her like this but it just came out. I don't know what's going on with me lately. What ever I dont care. I walk to the back yard and hear them leave. Ugh I need a drink. I walk back inside and go to the fridge. I'm disappointed cause there's none in there. right he's only 20 and ur 18. I decide to go to Calums house. him and Mike did get it at the party, he should have some.
" Hey Calum you got anything to drink at your place?"
" Yea I've got some soda, juice, milk, why?"
" Do you really think I called you for soda?"
" Oh right. I can get a few bottles of Smirnoff, the one you like, and we could call some friends over."
" Great I'll be there in ten."
" Chug chug chug chug..." We all chant while one of Calums friends tries to chug a whole bottle. he stood half way and spits some out.
" Aw you suck. You're weak." I laugh at him.
" Oh really lets see you try to do it then."
Okay fine I can deal. I take the bottle from him and smile at all the other boys. I put the bottle to my lips and take a sip but spit it out almost instantly.
" Who's weak now?" The boys chime in.
" What the he'll this shit shit is hella warm."
" Like sugar water in your mouth Luke warm?" Calum asks. ( anyone knows what song this is * cough * Maria * cough *)
"Yeah it's gross." I exclaim. I've drank warm liquor before but this was bad. it didn't even taste right.
" Alyssa, it's normally this warm. It's room temperature." Calum explains to me.
There's no way. this shit taste gross.
" Yea okay Calum what ever you say. Hey you want to go to the movies?"
" Oh my god yes. Can we go see the minion movie? Please please please please please?" He begs making puppy dog eyes. ugh I really wanted to go see terminator genesis but I guess not.
" umm sure babe would you like me to bring you a pacifier and a baby bottle with warm milk too?" We all laugh at calum. He pouts. awe now I feel bad.
" awe babe I'm sorry. cmon I'll buy you ice cream." he smiles and we all laugh. They all follow me out the door and Calum throws me the keys.
" Wait so youre all going?"
They nod.
" Wait why do I have to drive there?
" Cause you're the Des- the disin- the designated driver?" I help him out.
They all nod yes. wow is this how I am when I'm drunk? I'm really not trying to babysit but I guess I have too.
" Calum turn It off." I whisper to him. his phones been buzzing during the entire movie. He finally stands up and takes the call out side. when he leaves all his friends turn to me. can I help you?
"Wait where are you going" ask calum. he came back from his phone call and said that he had to leave.
" family emergency. I have to be at the airport tomorrow."
Wait is this really happening? First Ashton, then Luke and Maria, and now Calum? Is everybody leaving?
" Well when are you coming back?"
" I umm."
" Just tell me."
" Right around the time Ashton comes back."
This is great. I probably should have just went Down there with him.
" How are you getting home if I have the car?"
"Someone's coming to pick me up." I nod okay and he walks out. well that's another person I won't see forever.
" This better be good Clifford."
It's Michael he's been calling me nonstop.
" You need to come down here now. I can't take this anymore. I'm going to end up hurting some one."
Ugh I knew I should have done this myself.
" Alright fine I'll be there tomorrow but you need to learn to deal with it sooner or later"
" Why?"
" You know exactly fucking why Michael don't play this shit with me."
Great now I have to fucking leave alyssa and Mike will be the only one here cause her Luke and Maria are fighting. I can't trust Mike with her. after what he told me I can't trust him to be alone with her while I'm gone. lets just hope he doesn't screw this up.
" So do you want to tell me what's going on?"
I'm not sure about you but I'm not a big fan of having my best friend and my boyfriend fighting. I was going to find out what happened.
" We can talk about this later. stay in the car I need to get something."
He gets out of the car and walks into his house.
" Well I have to pee."
I get out the car after about 10 minutes and walk to his front door. and open it. will I do to have to pee anymore.
The entire drive to my house was completely silent. we weren't ad at each other we just needed to cool off. okay yes I admit that is shouldn't have blown up on alyssa like that but cmon she had no right to tell Maria that I have my ex girlfriend staying at my house for a few days. she was perfectly fine. Maria had nothing to be worried about. I walk in my house and Taylor's sitting on the couch in a tank some shorts and a messy bun. She's watching a movie so I just head up stairs and grab what I needed.
" Hey what's wrong you seem upset." she's asks me.
" It's nothing I'm fine." ( literally these 4 words hold a million lies)
" Oh cmon tell me what's wrong." She says standing up walking over to me."
" It's just girlfriend and best friend issues. my best friend told my girlfriend that you were staying here and that you were my ex so I just know that she's going to freak out."
" Does someone need a hug." she asks
She comes and hugs me and tells me it's okay.
" You know she really has no right to be mad. I'm your friend not hers so she can't tell you what to do." she says getting a little closer to me.
She's actually right. she's my friend why can't she stay for a few days?
She plays with the hair right above my ear. I hear the car door slam shut and I turn to the door. it feels like as soon as I turned she turned my head back with her other hand and smash her lips onto mine. she uses her hands to deepen the kiss and pulls me in tighter. I grip her waist and pull her body in closer I just started kissing her back until the front door swings open. That's when reality hit me. I'm kissing my ex and my girlfriend is right there. shit I'm so screwed.
" Babe I can explain."
I start to walk up to her but before I could explain she smacked me right in my face. I couldn't be mad. I deserved it.
" Don't you babe me. you want to get mad at alyssa saying I have nothing to worry about then not even an hour later your kissing her? Did you honestly think you were going to get away with it?"
" Maria please let me explain that kiss meant nothing I love you."
" Yeah okay that's why you kissed me back right?" She mumbles to herself.
Oh shit. this is not going to end well for her.
I can see Maria's face turn from sad to heated. She walks up to her and swings. down goes Taylor. she instantly falls to the floor and I quickly take Maria and bring her to the car.
" Taylor I'm going to have to ask you to leave my house now."
We're at her house sitting on opposite sides of the couch.
" Babe we can't ignore eachother. we need to talk about this."
" There's nothing to talk about. you kissed her. you cheated on me."
" Maria please just let me explain give me 5 minutes if you still hate me then I'll leave okay?"
She nods okay and my timer starts.
" I came in to get umm something and when I came back stairs she tried to figure out what was wrong with me and I told her that you were mad at me because she stayed there. she told me you had no right to be mad and when I turned my head to see what a noise was she turned it back and pulled me in to kiss her."
" Did you kiss her back?" She asks in tears.
" Yes but only for a second and I regret the entire thing. Can you forgive me?"
She looks at me and I can see her debating weather she wants to forgive me or not. I can tell she's thinking cause she will bite her lip when ever she's in deep thought. then what happened next flashed before my eyes before I knew what was going on she jumped on me, straddled me and started making out with me. we finally break apart. No one said anything. You could just hear the deep breathing Between the both of us.
" So I take that as a yes?"
" Yeah but don't let that shit happen again."
Okay good couldn't really lose her.
" So what did you have to get?"
" You will know soon."
After a while we head back to my house and Taylor is gone. I had to walk in first to make sure she left.
" Coast is clear she's gone."
" She fucking better be."
We head to the kitchen and look in the freezer.
" Babe want some ice cream? "
" Sure."
We get our ice cream and go to that couch to watch tv. about 10 minutes later Calum walks through the door looking at his phone.
" Hey Luke I have to head down there tomorrow morning my self cause Mike- oh hi maria."
When he walked in i tried waving at him to stop but he didn't see until he looked up. Shit.
" Wait Calum your leaving too? Where are you going."
" Umm no where don't worry about it."
Bad move. Maria won't back down.
" Calum Thomas hood. you better tell me right now."
Damn she's hot when she's demanding. Calum looks at me looking for what to say.
" Go ahead you can tell her but babe you have to promise not to tell anyone epically not alyssa."
That's going to be difficult for her cause after all they are best friends.
" Babe can you tell me why now?"
"Why what?"
"Why you cut your self?"
Oh yea that. I didn't know if I really wanted to tell him or how much I was willing to tell him.
" Umm it's nothing."
" Princess don't lie to me. this is anything but nothing. I'm just trying to help. Please tell me what's going on."
" Well umm when I was about four I had a sister, Jennifer..." and I tell him the story of the sister I once had, but let drown.
Hi guys. this ones for Maria. any questions? Where is Calum going? Where was Michael coming from? What did they tell Maria? What did Luke get from his house? I'll try to update better longer chapters but idk if I really feel like finishing this book. I love writing this but idk I might just have a wrap up chapter summing up the rest of the book. Song has nothing to do with the chapter it was just the last sing I was listening to when I finishes this chapter .anyway bye guys update soon. Btw Ashton was 20 when I shared this chapter so I'm just going to leave it like that okay bye.

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