The roof caved in and the truth came out

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ugh I could literally hit him with a chair right now. He told me what he did to her and I wanted to hurt him. He was about to call Ashton but I had to stop him. Alyssa should be the one to either tell or not tell Ashton. I get his attention right before he's about to tell him and mouth,
" don't tell him." Alyssa needs to figure this one out by her self, but obvi I'm going to help.
Maria's wedding is in like 3 day so we are at practice.i didn't really feel like moving but I had to so I could keep the bridezilla from attacking everyone. We are at summer beach deciding where we stand and walk from for the ceremony. After practice I really wanted some pizza, and some Chinese food. I kind of have no choice but too eat now. If I stopped eating like I used to I might lose the baby and I would t have the heart to tell Ashton that I HAD a daughter or a son
" hey guys I'm going to go home and order pizza and Chinese food wanna come?"
Zoie and Shannon pass. The question was more related to them because I knew Brooke and Maria would never say no to food.
" alyssa you already know me and Brooke love food."
" yea I know that's why I didn't ask you two." We laugh and part our separate ways. Zoie and Shannon go home and Maria and Brooke follow me to Ashton's house.
" damn he lives here? In this big ass house? I bet if this house was twice its size you two would still be cuddled mad-" she stops as Maria shoves her and she sees my expression turn sad.
" oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you upset."
" no it's fine I guess I just miss him and things haven't been the same since he left. "
There's an awkward silence until the Chinese food shows up. Wow I ordered in the car because I already know what Maria and Brooke like and they are already here.
" hey lyss I got it." Maria says and beats me to the door to pay the delivery man.
" thanks Maria but I could have done it my self." We laugh.
About 10 minutes later the pizza shows up and I go in. I've been wanting pizza for like ever so now I'm a happy camper. They both finish eating and like 20 minutes later I'm still eating.
" what I'm fat." I say to them cause they are looking at me weird.
" alyssa shut up your not fat you're just..." She stops realizing what she was going to say the realized that Brooke is there.
" oh wait so now you can't tell me. I thought we were friends." She says and pouts. Maria looks at me and gives me the sorry look and I give her the looks that says it's okay I won't kill you.
" okay fine but if I tell you you have to promise not to mention it to anyone. This conversations stays in this circle."
" okay okay okay I promise now tell me what's going on." Brooke whines.
" I'm pregnant."
" Ahhh! Oh my god! You're having a baby?! Ugh I can't wait to spoil the little and ash would make the cutest little baby ever." She squeals dragging out the r.
" Brooke calm down I'm not having this thing for like another 7 months. " I say laughing.
" have you and Ashton figured out a name yet like for a boy and a girl just in case?" I start to feel sick. He doesn't know that I'm pregnant and it just makes me feel so horrible. He has the right to know even if it hurts him. I don't show my emotion.
" umm no."
" why not?" She whines again dragging out the T.
" cause he doesn't even know that there's a baby to name."
Her face looks shocked at what I just said.
" wait you haven't told him yet?! You have to tell him, he will be so excited, he might even cry of joy."
Oh he will cry alright it just won't be happy tears.
" when does he get back or maybe you could face time him unless you want to do it in person. Wait no you can't wait another 3 months." Maria once again elbows her giving her the look that says don't worry. While I eat another slice of pizza.
" Luke I can go to the hospital by my self you're wedding is tomorrow you need to go home and prep."
" oh shush this won't take long."
We walk into the doctors office for my weekly check up. The kind doctor lady thing finishes checking me and is about to walk out the door.
" umm doctor can I ask you a question?"
" sure."
" umm is there a way to find out who the father is before the baby is born?"
" yes but it's not definite. Meaning it doesn't always work. Why?"
" it's a long story lets just say my... Actions were within a 2 week difference and I want to make sure who's the father before its born."
" well I would be willing to do it but it's still a bit too early. Give it another week and it should be fine. I could do it at your next check up if you like?"
" yes I appreciate it so much thank you doctor." And Luke drives me home.
" Luke you are going 15 on a 30 mph speed limit. I will have the baby already before we make it to my house."
" I'm just being careful of the baby. " ugh I feel bad for Maria when she has kids. He won't be happy till his baby is wrapped in bubble wrap. It's only like 2 and we have planned a surprise bachelor and bachelorette party for them at 6 so I have to keep him from going home. It's my job to keep Maria and Luke at my house till they are ready. Great send the pregnant girl to baby sit. 
Im Literally third wheeling watching them two make out on the couch. I can see how badly they ' want ' each other and I really wasn't in the mood to watch it.
" Ashton has a guest room next to ours upstairs. You guys can use that room just clean up the room when you're done."
They muttered a quick thanks and bolted upstairs.
" he puts condoms in the drawer!" I yell up stairs.
" I already have some!" Luke shouts back down. Gross.
I go to the back trying to escape before the baby-making noises start. About 20 minutes in Michael texts me.
Michael Gordon C. : can you come over to my place?
Me: sure
Here we go again.
I show up at mikes house. I didnt bother interrupting Luke and marias what ever you call it so I just texted her not to leave the house when they were done. I open the door and he's sitting on the couch.
" I don't feel good so let's get this over with." I say on the brink of crying. He makes me feel disgusting.
" that's not why I wanted you to come here. I wanted to talk to you about something."
What? Has he finally stopped?
" I know that you're pregnant. I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for everything. I never meant for any of this to get as far as it did. I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me and that I fell in love with you. I have every hope that it's Ashton's baby but if it's not, if it's mine, even if it comes out with red hair like me I'll give up my rights so that you and Ashton can live happy together."
I giggle a bit when he says red hair and he smiles a bit too.
" you can hate me for as long as you want I just want you to know I'm sorry."
he holds out his arms and starts slowly walking towards me to give me a hug. I backed away for a second then stopped and let him hug me. This doesn't mean we can be bestfriends but we can start being friends.
" you coming to the wedding tomorrow?" I ask trying to break the silence.
" yea I'm one of the grooms men remember?"
" oh that's right."
" look lyss it's going to be awkward for the next few days. I know you're trying to make conversation but it's okay. And trust me I won't tell Luke or Maria anything. " I mutter a thanks and go home.
I look at the dress and try it on to make sure it will fit for tomorrow. My phi e starts to ring.
" hey babe what's up?" Ashton days through the phone.
" oh nothing just trying on the dress for Maria's wedding."
" can I see? "
I hesitate. I look In the mirror and think I look okay but I'm self conscious.
" umm maybe later." I say.
" cmon babe you don't have to feel self conscious. I. Et you any amount of money you look beautiful. "
" still just later." I say with a hint of sadness in my voice. I tried to cover it up but he caught it.
" princess tell me what's wrong? Why do you sound so upset?"
" it's nothing. " I quickly lie to him.
" okay," he pauses," now tell me the truth."
" I do t want to talk about it. How's Australia?" I try to change the subject.
" stop trying to change the subject. Tell me what's wrong. Did someone do something to you? Remember last Time when those guys tried to hurt you the first time we met, I didn't even know you and I would have killed them if they tried again."
" babe it's nothing you do t have to."
" cmon babe please. If I ever catch the ones who hurt you I'm hoping that God looks away this time. Tell me what's wrong."
Wow this kid just doesn't give up does he? Fine you want to know? I'll tell you.
" everything has changed since you left."
" like good change or bad change?" He asks
" I'm not sure yet." I say then hang up the phone. It's true ever since he left we became more distant. Sometimes I silently cry I. The phone but he doesn't notice. I take off the dress and get into the shower. My baby bump is a little more noticeable but you can't really tell unless you look at it for a long time. I change into one of his big shirts and some of his American apparel underwear. ( see what I did there 😏) i didn't really feel like getting ready for the party yet cause it was only like 4:30 so I blast my headphones and one of my favorite songs comes on. But right now it makes me want to cry.
" torn in two and I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you
Where ever you are.
Every night I almost call you just to say it always will be you."
" like good change or bad change?" I ask her concerned.
" I'm not sure yet." She says then hangs up. What have I done? How could I be so stupid? I left in a time where she needed me the most and I just left. She probably thinks that I don't care. I have to make it up to her, I have to make things right but how?
Yea. almost

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